Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Some days ago, terrorists from the organization "Hamas" launched a large-scale invasion and infiltration of Israel's south and central regions. The Hamas militants utilized bulldozers, drones, small boats, and even para gliders to invade Israel. Thousands and thousands of rockets have been launched at Israeli civilians. The Israeli Defense Forces, or IDF, have since counterattacked and retaken the Gazan...
  On their 40th anniversary tour, Rush came to Dallas with energy and a set that ran the gamut of their career. This seems appropriate considering that before the tour began, the members concurred that this tour would likely be their last, particularly because of drummer Neil Peart’s chronic tendonitis (and if you’ve ever seen what he does, it’s understandable...
Currently, Jordan Spieth is having a resurgence in his career right now. Over the last couple of months, the former Jesuit alum has been playing well. He is currently ranked 14th according to the PGA FedEx Cup Standings, a bump of 15 places from 29th place. But first, let's review some of Jordan Spieth's recent performances on the PGA...
In spite of the hefty amount of pressure intrinsically involved in the concluding of an international phenomenon so vast in its appeal and so iconic in its cultural stature as J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, the saga’s final installment, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, released this summer on July 15, 2011, had to be good. It was,...
"It was a refreshing experience serving the disadvantaged in our community. Definitely, the best way to spend the holidays."- Logan Thompson 24" On Thanksgiving morning, Jesuit provided meals to 4,500 individuals who were unable to afford a meal for the holidays. This event was hosted by Visiting Nurse Association's Meals on Wheels event. On a cold, wet, and early morning,...
Tobias Jesso Jr. Goon Album Review True Panther Released March 17, 2015 Genre: Singer-Songwriter, Piano Pop, Soul, Soft Rock https://play.spotify.com/album/7elNFxdWSjWvtUP1gqyQGV For a 29 year old, Tobias Jesso Jr. has seen it all. Most singer-songwriter projects come from personal experiences, and Jesso's is a success story for the ages. Years before his sudden rise to fame, Jesso played bass in a small band called The Sessions....
If you listened to the chorus of modern society today, the Latin language seems too archaic, a fossil of a bygone age of Caesars, gladiators, and crimson-colored Roman legions marching on the Appian Way, to be of any use. "It's a dead language," many will quip, "I don't see the point in studying it." But these critics couldn't be...
"2019 was not the best year for most people, and it was especially a bust for me. Overall, 2019 was disappointing. 2020 is a new year for me. New year, new decade." -Literally every person who had a resolution that would not last this year Yeah, I don't think so. While the memes are funnier than ever, humans have experienced...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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