The role of a manager in soccer is similar to that of the head coach in football. He oversees the team, the players, the...
The year is 1978. In the dry winds of the Rhodesian savanna, helicopters descend toward a small village. They land as close to the...
After 3 years in high school, many Jesuit students in the class of 2014 have come to know just about all 261 students in...
In spite of Ronaldo's recent achievements in Saudi Arabia, many, many soccer fans across the globe have concluded that Ronaldo is worse than Messi....
The indomitable human spirit is the enduring, unyielding, and resolute aspect of humanity that allows us to persevere through adversity. It is the unbreakable...
"The toughest fighter I could face would be the man who's the hardest to knock out, and the fella who was the hardest to...
Recently, in a group chat, the subject of best fast food was brought up. While opinions differed on that front, eventually comparisons between Chick-Fil-A,...
It’s 9:59 a.m. in the Information Commons. It’s a nice Thursday morning, with the sun shining, the birds chirping. A lot is going on...