Monday, May 6, 2024

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Student Viewpoints over Political Topics or Events

On January 20th, 2017, to the horror and shock of people around the world, former reality star Donald J. Trump was sworn in as the President of the United States of America. Trump has proceeded to flail his way to the lowest approval ratings of any president in modern history, with only 40% of the country approving of his...
Michele Bachmann, the Republican representative from Minnesota’s 6th legislative district, is running for President of the United States. She is the only female candidate in the Republican primary, and last month became the first woman to win the Ames Iowa Straw Poll. She announced her candidacy on June 27 with high expectations. Because of her vocal presence as a Tea...
As of October 27, 2022, around 14 million Americans have casted their votes in pre-election ballots across 44 states. Among these states, Texas has seen 1 million early votes. Until November 8, Texan voters will be casting their ballots for seven statewide seats: governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, land commissioner, agricultural commissioner, comptroller, and one of the positions of...
The last century has not been kind to the little region of Chechnya. A genocide, revolutionary chaos, a brutal war, an economic cataclysm, human trafficking, terrorism, another (even more brutal) war, and a brutal dictatorship all sum up the recent history of the Chechen people. But far, far too many westerners forget about this area. So in this article...
The air is crisp and the atmosphere palpable at the Hampshire Hills Athletic Club in Milford, New Hampshire. On this Saturday morning, attendees shuffle into rows of seats, hopeful for the chance to pose a question to one of the country's most distinctive presidential candidates. The moderator, USA Today journalist Phillip Bailey, lays out the guidelines for this town...
As the recent election fades away, it seems many political pundits are focusing on the various voting blocs that played a role in ensuring President Obama’s victory in the battleground states, blocs such as the Gray Panthers and the Lunchbox Democrats. With all this talk about voting blocs, it’s interesting to take a look at the Jesuit Dallas student voting...
I’m hearing a lot of banter about Congress discussing how to deal with the expiring tax reduction legislatures passed by President George W. Bush in 2001 and 2003. To many people, this is all gibberish – a plethora of political garbage being thrown around, topped with relentless partisan criticism. For the most part, however, people understand that tax rates are...
After Speaker Pelosi's Taipei visit, the CSIS commenced a series of war games to simulate a potential war between the US and China over Taiwan. The US emerged victorious in defending Taiwan, but suffered the losses of 900+ US Navy and Air Force fighters and 2 multi-billion dollar aircraft carriers. How did this happen?!? Let's find out. MODERATORS  Various think tank...

About Viewpoints

The Roundup invites all students to submit articles that reflect their personal perspectives regarding politics, culture, student life, sports, art, music, or hobbies.

Viewpoints do not reflect the opinions of either Jesuit Dallas or The Roundup.

Articles should be written in a respectful tone, with language reflecting thoughtful and accurately researched discourse and, at all times, supporting the mission of the newspaper and the Jesuit Dallas community.

The Roundup will publish all articles that meet these guidelines without regard to endorsing any particular point of view.

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