Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Since "Adam and Eve,"  the human mind has come so far, from developing languages to calculating the mass of entire planets. Within this evolution, the mind has gone through challenges and hardships, and Mental Health was never discussed until the 20th Century. The recent evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has shaken the world, changing the way many things are...
“The biggest iOS release ever.” This bold claim stands front and center on iOS 8’s website, alluding to the grandeur of Apple’s latest software update that accompanied their new phones, the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+. I hope this quote is only trying to make a pun about the new versions having larger screens, because if not, it stands as...
What it's all About Music is a universal idea. Just about everyone alive today enjoys it in one way or another, whether that be through listening to it, the creation of it, or the playing of music. While everyone may listen to music, a select few put thought into how they listen to it; because what you listen through matters nearly...
    In November 2023, the popular website Omegle was shut down. Millions of online conversations across the globe cut short. Instead of meeting a new random stranger, all of Omegle's users met a farewell letter. Some may consider it an apology, but others see an argument on morality and accountability. I believe that the history of the site in its entirety,...

About Viewpoints

The Roundup invites all students to submit articles that reflect their personal perspectives regarding politics, culture, student life, sports, art, music, or hobbies.

Viewpoints do not reflect the opinions of either Jesuit Dallas or The Roundup.

Articles should be written in a respectful tone, with language reflecting thoughtful and accurately researched discourse and, at all times, supporting the mission of the newspaper and the Jesuit Dallas community.

The Roundup will publish all articles that meet these guidelines without regard to endorsing any particular point of view.

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About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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