Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Today, Wednesday, November 30, 2011, Jesuit’s Not for Sale Club will be screening The Dark Side of Chocolate in Hughes Hall.  This film by Miki Mistrati and U. Roberto Romano is a documentary about the illegal use of child slaves who are trafficked to the Ivory Coast for the gathering and selling of cocoa beans. Luckily, we live in Dallas,...
Sweden’s history of neutrality started after the Napoleonic Wars. Following Napoleon’s downfall and the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Sweden never engaged in armed warfare ever since (except for peacekeeping). During WWI and WWII, Swedes maintained strong cultural ties with Germany and economic relationships with Britain and France. At the same time, after gaining independence from Russia in 1917,...
On November 8, 2022, millions of voters across the country casted their ballots. These voters’ ballots decided the political balance in our government, including the US Senate. On election night, 35 out of 50 incumbent senators were up for reelection. Prior to the election, many political scientists and experts predicted that Republicans would secure both the Senate and House...
The gubernatorial race between Attorney General Greg Abbott and State Senator Wendy Davis will come to an end in less than a week. Regardless of who wins, one thing is for certain: this will not be the state of Governor Rick Perry anymore. Both candidates want to take strikingly different paths with the future of Texas, and it is for...
UPDATE: Since this article was written, A&E has lifted the suspension of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson. I’m sure we have all heard about the comments made by A&E’s Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson to GQ Magazine and have heard the media’s accounts of what happened. Robertson has since then been suspended from the show for an indefinite amount of...
The last century has not been kind to the little region of Chechnya. A genocide, revolutionary chaos, a brutal war, an economic cataclysm, human trafficking, terrorism, another (even more brutal) war, and a brutal dictatorship all sum up the recent history of the Chechen people. But far, far too many westerners forget about this area. So in this article...
On November 8th Genshin Impact released version 4.2 alongside the new banner characters, Baizhu and Furina. With Furina being the second hydro sword user, Xingqui being the first. However, being initially overlooked, with her banner having come to an end, we are now able to see her full capabilities and her place in the Meta. Kit Overview First, to find out... After Infinity Ward announced the next Call of Duty game, DICE and Electronic Arts were quick to point out that the next Battlefield game would be premiered the Friday after the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare reveal. Several developers at DICE even trash talked the Call of Duty trailer claiming, "The internet will melt when the Battlefield trailer is released." For...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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