Pat Kelley From The Roundup, May 1960

“May.  The month when the student of Jesuit finally gets established in the school routine, when he finally gets used to rising at abominable hours of the morning, slaving over endless homework far into the night, and sitting PERFECTLY still in Penance Hall.  During this lovely month of May, P.E. moves down to the lower field, for rousing games...

Bob Hill ‘44

As an incoming junior at North Dallas High, I did not understand why my mother would enroll me at a new school, Jesuit High. ThankYou Mom! What the Jesuits gave me in those two years, among them personal values and principles, I have with me to this day. I am sure that you have heard many many times about...

Dedication of Jesuit High School

“A.M.D.G. On this day, the 30th day of August in the year of our Lord 1942, The Jesuit High School of Dallas, under the patronage of St. Aloysius was solemnly dedicated by the Most Reverend Bishop Joseph P. Lynch at 10:30 a.m. At 11:00 a.m. Mass coram Episcopo was celebrated by Very Reverend Father Provincial, Thomas...

History of the Oak Lawn Campus

Brief History of Jesuit High School at Oak Lawn and Blackburn Super Brief History In 1905 the second Bishop of Dallas, Bishop Edward Joseph Dunne, asked the Vincentian Fathers to establish a school in Dallas. Holy Trinity College opened at Oak Lawn and Blackburn in 1907 and closed in 1926. The building reopened in 1930 as St. Joseph Orphanage...

History of The Roundup and The Last Roundup 1960s

  The 1961 - 1962 Roundup and 1961 Last Roundup, edited by John Humphries, continued improving, earning awards at the Texas Catholic Journalists Workshop in San Antonio, third and second place respectively. By 1962 - 1963 the paper again was sold (for a $2.00 subscription)  rather than being distributed free.  (Literary Edition, Winter 1963).  The Literary Edition published short stories, essays, and...