1960s Era Oak Lawn Campus
1960s Era Oak Lawn Campus

“May.  The month when the student of Jesuit finally gets established in the school routine, when he finally gets used to rising at abominable hours of the morning, slaving over endless homework far into the night, and sitting PERFECTLY still in Penance Hall.  During this lovely month of May, P.E. moves down to the lower field, for rousing games of see-who-can-get-the-worst-case-of-poison ivy-the-fastest; and the organizations choose to have their electorial (sic) banquets and picnics.  It’s the month of the Gold Medal Essay Contest and the Gold Medal Short Story Contest, and, by happy coincidence, the winners will have their story or essay printed in this issue.  May is the month of the Yearbook, and the Last Roundup looks especially good this year, sporting the welcome addition of individual class pages.  But, most important of all, May is Mary’s month.  All nature salutes her with a long-witheld flourish of color and growth:  All the trees start to blossom, the grass turns green, and the student turns chalky pale at the thought of his oncoming finals.  For Seniors, theirs will be final finals, because the senior class is preparing to leave, to desert the protective nest that Jesuit has been for them, and now try their own wings . . . And they will fly.”                                 –Pat Kelly
