Sunday, March 30, 2025

History of the Oak Lawn Campus

Brief History of Jesuit High School at Oak Lawn and Blackburn Super Brief History In 1905 the second Bishop of Dallas, Bishop Edward Joseph Dunne, asked the Vincentian Fathers to establish a school in Dallas. Holy Trinity College opened at Oak Lawn and Blackburn in 1907 and closed in 1926. The building reopened in 1930 as St. Joseph Orphanage...

John Tolle ’51

I entered Jesuit in 1947 as a freshman and graduated in 1951. The school was much smaller then and there were about 42 in the ninth graduating class of 1951. There is no resemblance between the school building in Oak Lawn and the present facility. I attended Jesuit because my brother Mark was already there as a member of...

This I Remember – Fr. S. J. Rivoire, S. J.

Written 10/17/92 about his first years in the early 1950s A bit more than 40 years ago…It was a hot summer day…& it was Wednesday, Aug. 6…and the year was 1952. I came to Jesuit High School Dallas on that day. There I found that stately and rambling red brick building with its broad entrance drive…and I can still see...

Jerry Durbin ’53

My fondest memory unfortunately is after the time Jesuit graduate Joe Lostetter was killed in Korea. The military sent an honor guard to Jesuit on Oak Lawn to conduct a memorial service in Joe's memory with his family members present and the student body attending I probably became a cheerleader to attract girls' attention. If we had an official moderator,...

James E. Alderman ’50

James Alderman ‘50 ’Twas a cold day in January, 1950 (25 degrees). I was on the warm 6th floor of the old Jesuit High School Building practicing basketball, when I looked out the window and saw a classmate of mine running laps in a complete football uniform. I started laughing and other players came over. I pointed down to our...

Barry Lovelace ’56

I was in the band for four years. If you’ve ever been in - or seen pictures of - the Oak Lawn building you know it had four floors. The Band Hall and Gym were on the fourth floor. So, to some limited extent, I can probably attribute my current good health to four years of climbing those stairs,...

Roger Hart ’55

I have many memories of Jesuit-Oak Lawn but the fondest is Father Michael Kammer who was the President in the '50s. He was also my English teacher and authored the textbook we used. He was also a mentor to me, one I've never forgotten. When he graded our papers, they were peppered with notes including the page numbers and...

Joseph Grissaffi ‘52

All I can say is that I don’t where I would be today without Jesuit’s education, training and guidance.

Henry Neuhoff, III ‘52

When I was a student at the old Jesuit we had a parking lot out front which might hold ten cars ….and it was never full! And seniors were the only students allowed to go in the front door.