Monday, February 24, 2025


  • June 6, 1938 Anecdotes

    Thomas J. Shields, S. J.

    Jesuits Coming to Dallas

    Fr. Thomas McGrath, S.J. confers with Fr. Thomas J. Shields, S.J. – first documented mention of the possibility of Jesuits coming to Dallas; idea received well by Bishop Lynch.

    Minutes of NOLA province

  • April 9, 1940 1940s Anecdotes

    Fr. Shields, S.J. meets Bishop Lynch

    Fr. Shields, S.J. (New Orleans Provincial) meets Bishop Lynch in San Antonio at consecration of Bishop Metzger – Bishop Lynch: “I want to see you sometime to talk about something good for you and me.”

    The Roundup 5/26/43

  • October 23, 1940 Anecdotes

    Possible Jesuit school in Dallas

    In El Paso at consecration of Christo Rei monument, Bishop Lynch and Fr. Shields meet to discuss possibility of Jesuit school in Dallas

    The Roundup 5/26/43

  • February 19, 1941 Anecdotes


    Aerial View of campus, undated

    Finding a Site

    Thomas Shields, S.J. and Edward Rooney, S.J. of Jes Educ Assoc. visit Bishop Lynch in Dallas. Msgr. Nold tours city with them to find appropriate site for new school.

    Shields correspondence letters

  • June 29, 1941 1940s Anecdotes

    Permission Granted

    A cablegram from Fr. General granting permission for a Jesuit school. A formal letter of approval received on July 30.

    The Roundup 5/26/43

  • August 1, 1941 1940s Anecdotes

    Jesuit Archives

    1941 Letter to Rome

    Permission of the Holy See

    Cardinal La Pluma, prefect of Sacred Congregation of Religious, signs formal permission of the Holy see for Jesuits to open canonically a society house in Dallas.

    The Roundup 5/26/43

  • September 1, 1941 1940s Anecdotes First two years


    Postcard, undated

    3812 Oak Lawn at Blackburn

    Bishop Lynch and his lawyer, Mr. George Burgess, arrange legal details with Fr. Shields and Mr. Charles I. Denechaud, province lawyer, for transfer of Oak Lawn-Blackburn property to the Society of Jesus. At present, orphans are living in the building pending reconstruction of the new St. Joseph's Home for Girls in suburban Oak Cliff.

    Minister's Diary and Correspondence

  • December 16, 1941 1940s Anecdotes

    Invitation to corner stone setting Holy Trinity

    Property Legally Transferred

    The property formerly known as the Dallas University, conducted by the Vincentian Fathers, and in later years as St. Joseph’s Home for Girls (an orphanage for girls) legally transferred from the Diocese of Dallas to the Jesuit High School of Dallas Inc. This invitation is to the setting of the corner stone of Holy Trinity. On Jesuit's 50th anniversary, alumni brought the corner stone to Inwood Rd. The president returned it later.

    The Roundup 5/26/43

  • December 21, 1941 1940s Anecdotes

    The Dallas Morning News

    New Jesuit Dallas Administraton Announced

    The Jesuits Move In

    Fr. Austin L. Wagner, S.J., first Jesuit to take possession of new property and charged with preparing the place for a new school and Jesuit residence and promoting knowledge that the Jesuits were coming to Dallas; arrived at what became the Jesuit High School of Dallas (Oaklawn & Blackburn).

    Minister's Diary and The Roundup 5/26/43

  • December 1941 1940s Anecdotes

    Initial Tuition and Fees

    The Bishop insisted that tuition for the first few years should be sixty dollars per annum as the maximum charge for both tuition and all extra curricula activity fees. Plus, the drive for one hundred thousand dollars should begin for scholarships for poor boys.

    Minister's Diary

  • January 1942 - August 1942 1940s Campus Building and Grounds First two years


    Oak Lawn Chapel

    Building Renovations

    Building renovated; whole sections virtually rebuilt; endowment fund drive promoted. Tiles for chapel floor are donated by The Sacred Heart; new pews installed in domestic chapel; donations of books, appointments to the chapel, pictures, etc. continue to be donated through the summer.

    Minister's Diary

  • March 1, 1942 1940s Anecdotes First two years

    Dallas Morning News August 9, 1942

    First Ad

    Scholarship Fund

    $100,000 Scholarship Fund for needy students launched. Dallas Jesuit will be the first Jesuit institution in the United States to begin its work of education with an Endowment Fund (Minister's Diary). If the Jesuits "leave the school...Bishop Lynch automatically would become chairman of the endowment committee which would then have the authority to dispose of the fund within the diocese as it saw fit" (Dallas Morning News Jan 21, 1942). A fundraising carnival is planned for April 23, chairman of the arrangements is Miss Catherine Richardson (DMN April 11, 1942).

    Minister's Diary and The Dallas Morning News

  • July 18, 1942 1940s Anecdotes First two years


    Undated Photo

    School Office Opens

    Official opening of school office. Prior to this, business was handled in the corridors, parlors and even on the front steps. "A qualified librarian, Miss Lois La Grange was engaged to finish up the library work" started by the scholastics. She continued the work in the Registrar's office where she also served as receptionist.

    Principal's Diary

  • August 1, 1942 1940s First two years Sports

    Coach Eddie Maher Hired

    Eddie Maher, Jr. is hired as coach at $1,000 a year (Archives). The August 30, 1942 Dallas Morning News notes Jesuit is in the Dallas 8-AA of the Texas Interscholastic League. Maher "will direct the entire athletic program of Jesuit High" (p.7). The Sept. 2 News later reports the team "will open the season Sept. 25 against Waxahachie High. Six letter men reported for practice Tuesday" and Maher is looking for Class A or B teams to play against.

    Principal's Diary

  • August 29, 1942 1940s Anecdotes First two years


    Sophomore class 1942-1943

    Students Registered

    74 students registered as of 8/29/42. See 9/14/42 post for final numbers and demographic breakdown (Note that Marty Maher is not in the composite picture due to having an appendectomy.)

    Principal's Diary

  • September 1942 - May 1943 1940s First two years Photos

    Jesuit Archives

    1942-1943 Faculty and Staff

    Rev. Joseph C. Mulhern, Rector-President, Principal
    Rev. Austin L. Wagner, S.J. Minister
    Rev. James M. Buckley, S.J. Teacher and Prefect of Religious Counseling
    Rev. James D. Carroll, S.J. Assistant Principal
    Rev. Hilton A. Crane, S.J. Teacher
    Rev. Fred M. O’ Connor, S.J. Teacher
    Rev. William J. Reagan, S.J. Teacher
    Mr. Edward J. Bergen, S.J. Teacher
    Mr. Elwood P. Hecker, S.J. Teacher, Moderator of Music
    Mr. Michael P. Kammer, S.J. Teacher, Moderator of Dramatics
    Mr. John C. Moran, S.J. Teacher, Prefect of Intramural Sports
    Br. Martial O. Lapeyre, S.J. Superintendent of Bldgs. & Maintenance

  • September 14, 1942 1940s Anecdotes First two years


    Nov. 4, 1942 Envelope for Parents Letter from Ft. Mulhern, S. j.

    Opening Day for Classes

    Approx. 195 students registered: Freshmen, 4; Sophomores, 2; Juniors, 2; Seniors, 4 168 on full tuition, 17 free, 9 partial tuition. Tuition: $50.00 plus $10.00 activity fee Non-Catholic: 1st year - 4; 2nd year - 2; 3rd year - 2; 4th year - 3 Classes first meet on ground floor assembly hall at 9:15 for a brief talk by Fr. Mulhern. Shortened periods and dismissal at 12:30 because most of the books had not arrived. For students who desire military training, Jesuit will sponsor a private junior air training corps.

    Principal's Diary

  • September 15, 1942 1940s Anecdotes First two years

    Penance Hall Established

    Penance Hall opens in Room 101 for an hour where the students “may employ themselves in profitable study” (Province Prefect).

    Principal's Diary, Province Prefect Annual Report 1955, The Roundup 12/23/42 and 5/26/43

  • November 4, 1942 1940s Anecdotes First two years


    Nov. 4, 1942 parent letter discussing grades and military training from Fr. Mulhern S. J.

    Student Assembly

    Assembly of all students in 2nd period to explain the proposed military training set up under the auspices of the Air Training Corps of America

    Principal's Diary

  • November 18, 1942 1940s Basketball First two years Sports

    Basketball 1942-1943

    Basketball Program Approved

    "Students had been informed at assembly that a basketball program will be sponsored if they sell 200 season tickets at one dollar each before December 1st." The Principal's Diary Dec 1 notes the program is assured because 274 season tickets were sold.

    Principal's Diary

  • November 24, 1942 1940s First two years Football Sports

    Jesuit Archives

    Although this picture is not from the first games, it is from the era. Coach Eddie Maher is pictured.

    First Football Season

    Football 1st season record: 5-2 Jesuit won the game on the Jesuit field against Birdville 12-0.

    Principal's Diary and The Roundup

  • December 1, 1942 1940s Anecdotes First two years


    First Recruiting Document

    SACSS Membership

    Membership accepted in the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools at their annual meeting. Represented by Fr. Mulhern. "Affiliation with the Southern Association supplements recognition already received by the new Catholic school from the Texas Department of Education earlier this year" (DMN Dec. 5, 1942). The Dec. 12 edition of the News notes that Jesuit was the only private school in Texas added to the Accredited list.

    Principal's Diary and The Roundup 5/26/43

  • December 1942 1940s Activities/Clubs First two years Sports

    Basketball Begins

    "Basketball team participates in the Plano tournament. Loses to Sunset H.S. in championship round; wins from North Dallas H.S., 28-24 in the consolation bracket, then loses to Plano, 38-9" (Principal's Diary) First home game in gym on January 6, 1943 - North Dallas 22 Jesuit 20 The first mention of the Jesuit basketball team in the DMN cites Jesuit participating against Sunset in a Plano Invitational starting December 30, 1942 (DMN 12/30/1942)

    Principal's Diary and The Dallas Morning News