Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

The newest game in the Resident Evil franchise, Resident Evil 7, has somehow managed to reanimate the franchises the festering and petrified corpse so that it may once again shamble into our hearts. Well, that and our nightmares. After a slew of lackluster action horror games like Resident Evil 5, 6, and the Revelations series, few had hope that...
2014 was kind of a disappointment when it came to video games. In fact, some of the best games were in fact re-releases of older games, but this article isn't about those. This is because there were many good games that attempted to fill the void of bad ones, so many that one cannot decide what game truly deserves...
These days, it seems like games come and go, but the game in season right now is Among Us, which just took over Fall Guys. It's a simple game yet it can bring about unforeseen collaborations. Jacksepticeye with the Sidemen. Dream and Pewdiepie. The list goes on and on. Even Souija Boy is getting in on it... It's exciting to...
Released in late 2008, Mirror’s Edge shared shelve space with such heavy-hitters as Call of Duty: World at War, Battlefield: Bad Company, and Fallout 3 , causing it to be generally overlooked. Failing to meet low sales expectations, the game by EA developer DICE, the same people who brought you the Battlefield franchise, only moved around 1 million copies...
With graphic fatalities ridden with copious amounts of gore along with impalements and screams of agony, few franchises have impacted the gaming industry as much as the Mortal Kombat series. Parents and kids alike can either curse or praise its violence, which ultimately led to the creation of the Entertainment Software Rating Board, or ESRB for short. In summary, the rating...
    Truly an Epic Experience                   Few gamers have never heard of Bungie, but if they haven’t, they certainly have heard of the Halo series. So it makes perfect sense that many students at Jesuit may be “sick” on September 9th, since Bungie’s new game, Destiny, will be released on the next gen and last gen systems. The hype behind this game...
I tightly grip my crescent-tinted assault rifle as two of my friends and myself enter uninviting and dark catacombs. Lights emit from our weapons as we walk deeper into the abyss of a cavern that is nonhuman in origin, adding to the hostility on the Earth’s moon. The tension and silence cause one of my friends to crack a bad joke through...
"Get Rashkosky into the plane! The Cops are right behind us!" I exclaimed to my Heist crew over my headset as we attempted to flee from the police in a 6 seater prop plane. My three teammates moved the prisoner into the back of the plane as bullets pinged off the wing and fuselage of my plane. I began...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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