Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

There are spoilers in this review, you have been warned. There is certainly a unique aesthetic and feel to nearly all of the games developed by Bethesda Game Studios. They have a phenomenal record and pedigree for creating games that exhibit all of the key elements needed for a successful open world role playing game (RPG). Fallout 4, their latest...
A pair of dice rolls across the table, slowing down as four tense players hold their breaths. The cubes come to a stop displaying two sixes on top. One player cheers with joy, while the others groan in pain, disappointed that such a riveting game finally has a winner, or at the very least, a winner other than themselves....
Bent metal, stunning visuals, and heart racing gameplay: Few words can describe the sheer amount of detail put into Project CARS, a racing simulator developed by Slightly Mad Studios. At first glance, the game would appear to have been made by a major publisher's developers such as EA or Ubisoft. However, the reality is that Project CARS was developed by a small team whose origins can be traced back...
Every year Activision sets aside a large portion of its staff to release a new game, one that lacks originality but is made up by including re-skinned weapons and assets. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is no exception to this trend. Originally promising intense new combat via exoskeleton battle suits and a compelling story with Kevin Spacey, this game fails to exit...
There is nothing better than a new game.  For this article I decided to do something a bit different. I think everyone knows what it’s like to get hyped for a new game in his favorite franchises, and because there's a really good lineup for 2018 from almost every developer, I thought I'd share what I'm excited for and... This past Monday (5/2), Infinity Ward released the reveal trailer for the next game in the Call of Duty franchise. The next title, Infinite Warfare, has everything from an enormous robot grappling with a tank to combat in space. I highly suggest watching the trailer before reading this article, though. I personally felt excited and disappointed by the 'gameplay' that was displayed in the... After Infinity Ward announced the next Call of Duty game, DICE and Electronic Arts were quick to point out that the next Battlefield game would be premiered the Friday after the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare reveal. Several developers at DICE even trash talked the Call of Duty trailer claiming, "The internet will melt when the Battlefield trailer is released." For...
The infamous and rapidly growing mobile game show, HQ, has taken the world by storm. Millions of people storm the app for a chance to win $5,000. How it Works When joining the game, the host will talk for about two minutes, allowing other people to participate. The game usually has around one million players per night. The app asks you...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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