Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

On February 1 Genshin Impact released version 4.4 alongside the banner characters, Nahida and the newly released character Xianyun, the human embodiments of the adeptus Cloud Retainer with Xianyun being the second anemo catalyst user and Sucrose being the first. However, being initially overlooked with her banner having come to an end on the 20th, we are now able...
The Golden Globes had their 80th award show on Tuesday night (Jan.10). While these Golden Globes have been under a microscope for transphobia, racism, and sexism within the organization, the show must go on. So down below is a list of every winner in every category for this year's Golden Globes. List Best motion picture - Drama (Steven Spielberg accepting the Best...
With Winter Break just around the corner, many students will have plenty of time to watch movies. This article was originally going to focus solely on Thanksgiving movies, but with Thanksgiving past us, I thought I'd talk about "holiday" films and upcoming releases. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles  I think this is hands down John Hughes' best work. I find it to...
At least for me, this was a great year for music.  Particularly, this was a great year for the radio.  Never have I found so much to enjoy on both Top 40 and Alternative radio.  Sure, there were still unbearable songs that made me change the station every time they came on, such as “Call me Maybe,” or “Stronger...
(Warning this Review Contains Spoilers) Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 is a fitting end to the much-beloved trilogy in the MCU. Coming into Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3, I had lost track of the MCU film franchise, ever since Endgame. I had only watched one other MCU film. The reason for this is that MCU films have been quite bad...
On April 24, Genshin Impact released Version 4.6 with the banner characters, Lyney and the newly released character Arlecchino, whom the community has been waiting for to be released since 2022. Arlecchino, also known as "The Knave," is the fourth out of the 11 Fatui Harbingers. She currently runs the espionage group: "The House of the Hearth," addressed to...
Do you ever want to make your own decadent chocolate cookie? Only a few changes to a basic chocolate chip cookie recipe can elevate your entire product and help you satisfy a craving for a crispy and chewy chocolate chip cookie. Through testing and learning on my own about the complexity of baking, I have concluded that only a...
There are few things that American society appreciates more than finality. We love to record the final letter of the final word, dot the period, and definitively close the book on an issue. As an inherently task-oriented society, we rejoice in the opportunity to check a long-standing item off our to-do list and focus our energies on the next...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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