Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Before I receive any distraught comments or letters informing me of my list's inadequacy, I would like to clarify that the list below was formed according to what I approximated to be a range of just a FEW of the greatest and most classic guitar solos of all time, and is by no means definitive. In this list I...
"On sale now!" and "Holiday special!" are things you have probably heard on the radio or on TV nowadays, meaning it's that time of year again; the time when the family comes together and soaks in the Christmas spirit. However, with Christmas comes the task of buying gifts, sometimes on a tight budget. To aid in this process, *here...
Torn clothing, lasers, and a floating stage stun the audience, as they listen intently to Kanye perform. The atmosphere indescribable, the fans soak up the entire experience as best they can, awestruck at the presence of rap royalty. Kante West brought his Saint Pablo tour to Dallas this September, welcomed by thousands of cheering fans at the American Airlines Center. In...
Weighing in at 400 lbs and measuring almost 10 feet tall, a great white-furred behemoth ducks its snow speckled head, entering into its icy cave. Tauntaun bones scattered about the snow covered floor and a young Jedi in training hanging from the ice ceiling, the bright white monster tromps into its cold home with its dagger-like teeth bared, ready to...
*Warning Graphic Content Ahead (Blood/Gore) The first person genre for consuming video games and cinematic experiences was arguably brought to life among the masses in December of 1993. December 10, 1993 was the release of the titular title Doom. The effects of this sole title's release can be seen through its core game-play aspects which have been adopted by the majority... With a thematic trailer of exploration and civilization combined with the powerful and moving orchestral score, Civilization VI has been revealed. It has been five years since the release of the previous title, Civilization V, and three years since the release of the final expansion, Brave New World. Firaxis Games, the developers, decided to announce the title on their... Some developers (and publishers) tend to beat a franchise to death, milking it for every nickel and dime is it worth. This normally leads to a game series 'death' in a sense. So when developers announce that they will be concluding the series with one final title, the response from the public is always mixed. One camp doesn't necessarily... After Infinity Ward announced the next Call of Duty game, DICE and Electronic Arts were quick to point out that the next Battlefield game would be premiered the Friday after the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare reveal. Several developers at DICE even trash talked the Call of Duty trailer claiming, "The internet will melt when the Battlefield trailer is released." For...

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The Roundup invites all students to submit articles that reflect their personal perspectives regarding politics, culture, student life, sports, art, music, or hobbies.

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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