Kill bears, ride horses, fight redcoats. What can’t you do in Ubisoft’s newest addition to its thriving series, Assassin’s Creed III?

This game brings us to the forefront of the Revolutionary War as Desmond Miles lives through the life of Connors, a newly added Assassin who fights for revenge on the Templars, outlining the never ending struggle between the Assassins and Templars. Connor, his father a Templar and his mother a Native American, encounters historical figures such as George Washington and Paul Revere, while living out past events including the Boston Tea Party and the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

The newest creed installment places gamers in the midst of major historical battles that occurred during the Revolutionary War, something the video game industry rarely witnesses in top notch games. Users experience intense battle scenes equipped with all new weapons and gadgets to enhance the gaming experience, choosing from tomahawks, bows and arrows, or even muskets. Players are restricted only to the constraints of their imagination as they venture the vast wooded forests of the new world, and encounter various situations that require the user’s decisions and reactions.

Alex Hutchinson, director of Assassins Creed III, said that “This [game] is by far the biggest Assassin’s Creed game yet, and we have several full systems we haven’t yet announced. Between the two new cities in Boston and New York, the Frontier has a map that’s 1.5 times the size of Rome in Brotherhood, and the modifying effects of weather in all areas, the playable space are vast.”

Hutchinson offers loyal Creed fans an upgraded adventure to the story of the never ending struggle between Templars and Assassins as Connor battles through the all too real American Revolution.

When asked about this new game, Jesuit sophomore Enrique Berrios gave insight on the contents of the newest Creed adventure: “The game is not only a great Assassins Creed game, it’s a great game, period.” It pleases all audiences, both Creed followers and lovers of foreign games alike.

Berrios also said his best experiences were “when [he] played the story mode because it was so thrilling and exciting.” It is apparent that the new story in Assassin’s Creed is the most profound addition that fans are dying to experience.

It ultimately teaches a unique historical lesson much different from what we see in history books. It takes us to the viewpoint of major figures in American History and gives us a much different description than how we perceive them.

Kids, adults, parents, if you enjoy a thrilling adventure filled with excitement and fun, and if you want to learn a little bit, too, buy the newest Assassins Creed game by Ubisoft today.

Hutchinson Quote:

“Assassin’s Creed 3 Interview: Ubi Aims Bigger, Better.” VG247. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2012.”