Friday, September 20, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.


Tennis - search results

To say band is “just kids playing instruments” is to say that football is merely a pastime involving leather balls, or that hockey is simply glorified figure skating with sticks. Jesuit Administration's Confession First and foremost, Jesuit classifies band, alongside football and hockey, as an athletics credit. According to the Jesuit website, the band receives not only Fine Arts credit but...
Community is a major part of what defines Jesuit Dallas. Whether it be through discussion of film and television or philosophical thought in the classroom, Jesuit always strives to be a welcoming and comforting place for all. At the start of a new school year, I decided to interview Mr. Ellis, one of the newest members of the theology department. So...
Ah, Jesuit Dallas. What more can I say to bolster this school's elite status? It's got everything you need and everything you could ever want in a school. As I was looking for schools to move from my previous middle school, one of the main things that attracted me to the school was the ability to compete at a high...
A classmate identified Carl as the “embodiment of a Ranger of the Week.” Jesuit named senior Carl Wilson with their weekly honor for his exceptional work in the classroom, dedication to his teammates, and commitment to service. Carl currently serves as an Executive Big Brother and will be leading Senior Retreat. An honor roll student who “does a great job...
Amidst the global pandemic, Jesuit Soccer still found a way to get together and celebrate their season. They were able to meet at the Shea's house and made sure to practice social distancing, with everyone wearing masks. Jason Davis '21 stated, "there were lots of people there and it was really fun, and we got to play soccer and...
As the second semester of the 2019-2020 school year ends, the current seniors will be graduating on June 5th and embarking on the next big step in their lives. I have had the pleasure to interview 5 graduated seniors, getting that much desired insight about where they're going off to, why they choose that particular school, and how they...
On Thursday, February 12th, the Jesuit community recognized and celebrated 10 athletes who have declared their college decisions during the winter season. Coming from a variety of Jesuit’s sports teams, these seniors are soon to become a vital part of collegiate athletics in the coming fall as they disperse among the nation’s competitive universities.  Of the ten signees, four of...
It’s Friday, October 25, 2019, and you’re excited about what Ranger Day 2019 is to bring. You may be thinking to yourself, I wonder what the chariot races will be like? I hope that Powder Puff will be fun to watch? I bet the outdoor activities will be better than last year’s. Only to get an email at 7:59...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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