Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

“Bigger Is better” It’s been sixteen years since Roland Emmerich’s dreadful adaption of the famed monster franchise graced the screens and eyes of America. Since then, every adaption of the timeless monster has been either haphazard or cheesy, or even described as a “shy kangaroo” by famed critic Roger Ebert. Now at the helm of the franchise reboot, new director...
Warning: Very minor spoilers of: Captain America: The winter Soldier, Captain America: The First Avenger, and The Avengers. It’s hardly anything but if you want to watch the movies 100% uninformed then beware. When I think about it, Marvel Studios is producing something more like a giant TV series than a bunch of movies. Starting with the first Iron Man,...
6,240 minutes. 104 hours. 208 episodes. 9 years. 5 friends. 1 story. Nine years ago, on September 19, 2005, a father named Ted Mosby began to tell his two kids the long and extremely detailed story of how he met their mother; and so began "How I Met Your Mother," a story filled with years of extraneous gags, escapades, and...
As it is not a major summer block-buster, The Grand Budapest Hotel may have flown under the radar for a great majority of people. In addition to this, from a glance, it may seem like a period drama if a person were not to look closely at it but, it is most certainly not. Anyone who has ever seen...
Grudgement Day: A 21st Century Rocky Movie? Starring Sylvester Stallone and Robert De Niro, Grudge Match can easily be interpreted as a 21st century continuation of the patriotic Rocky series. Stallone, who originally starred as the underdog Rocky Balboa in the 1990s movie series, draws back a fan base with the classic heart-warming rags to riches story. With an enormous following in Pittsburgh, the...
The dynamic partnership of director Edgar Wright and actors Simon Pegg and Nick Frost has kept audiences laughing ever since the release of 2002's horror-comedy Shaun of the Dead. Their unique brand of genre satire and sharply written jokes was followed up with 2007's buddy-cop satire Hot Fuzz. This year, they have done it again with The World's End. In...
Synopsis: In a dystopian future, teens are forced into an arena to fight to the death in order to portray the control the government has over the lower classes. This sequel to the first Hunger Games begins by showing the aftermath of the last bloodbath and how the winners, Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and Peeta Melark (Josh Hutcherson), have...
“Breaking Bad isn’t a show, it’s a religion” –Pierce Durham.  Sunday saw the greatest TV series of my generation come to a close, and it is only right that we spend a moment to examine the last episode. Felina, the title of the final episode, set out to “tie up loose ends,” and did precisely that.  With the money left...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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