Friday, May 17, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

This is a conversation between me and a machine learning programmer. I find machine learning fascinating, because for the longest time, humans have been the most clever creatures on the planet. It seems we've finally found a suitable partner in computers when it comes to numerical calculations, and machine learning can help humans answer questions they could spend lifetimes... Factorio is a game about laziness. It’s about getting from point A to point B with as little effort as possible. This seemingly simple task becomes complicated, however, because point B is in space, and you need a rocket to get there. Therefore, you - an unnamed engineer stranded in an unnamed hostile world - must build from scratch a...
Touché Amoré Is Survived By Album Review Deathwish Inc. Released September 23, 2013 Genre: Hardcore Punk, Post-Hardcore, Emo, Screamo, Alternative Rock A Quote from Hardcore Punk Newcomer (and fellow Team Member) Chris Ayres: “I personally was always a little sketchy on screams, but this band isn't screaming for sake of screaming.... They scream because they have so much passion for the beautiful lyrics they've...
The Oscars turn 90 folks! Almost a century ago, the United States was going straight into the world's worst recession ever conceived and household items such as the microwave, the refrigerator, and the television were nonexistent American households.  Movies have changed a lot in the last 90 years. In 1928, movies were projected using Nitrate film, an extremely flammable substance....
At the first day of RTX 2015, I had the opportunity to interview Ian from The Behemoth, asking him some intriguing questions about The Behemoth’s new game Pit People. Pit People, which was previously named Video Game 4 because it is the developers fourth game, was an absolute blast to play.   I sat down and played a 30-40 minute demo of the first segment of the game. I...
Evidently the leading star in one of the greatest films ever produced was labeled as a Communist before the film was released, so claimed William Randolph Hearst, a newspaper tycoon on which the film is based. Perhaps it was the revolutionary cinematography the creative minds of the movie produced or the plot that kept moviegoers on the edge of...
HBO's Game of Thrones is the television adaption of George R. R. Martin's book series A Song of Ice and Fire. This series is incredibly long and dense, so the show has had to cut some plot lines from it. Most of these plot lines were unimportant, but some of them dramatically change the story. This article will go...
On October 27, 2014, Taylor Swift’s fifth studio album, 1989, was released with high hopes from her fans. For some, it was on par with the star’s previous album, RED, and for some, it exceeded their expectations. For me, it was about the same as my expectations, which consisted of another pop album reminiscent of that nails-on-a-chalkboard 2008 poppy sound...

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The Roundup invites all students to submit articles that reflect their personal perspectives regarding politics, culture, student life, sports, art, music, or hobbies.

Viewpoints do not reflect the opinions of either Jesuit Dallas or The Roundup.

Articles should be written in a respectful tone, with language reflecting thoughtful and accurately researched discourse and, at all times, supporting the mission of the newspaper and the Jesuit Dallas community.

The Roundup will publish all articles that meet these guidelines without regard to endorsing any particular point of view.

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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