Friday, May 17, 2024

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Campus Ministry

News Coverage of Jesuit Campus Ministry

Within the past few weeks, the prayer service team held two consecutive prayers service by the Campus Ministry team, the first about loneliness and the second about community. Joined by several members of the school community, the prayer service team returned on Friday, February 7 with a third prayer service about solidarity. This prayer service had a greater focus on...
As we approach end of the Advent season, the Sacrament of Confession takes on heightened significance within the Catholic Church. Advent, a period of anticipation and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Christ, serves as a unique and opportune time for believers to engage in the spiritual practice of confession. The act of confessing one's sins and...
Religious. One of the six pillars of the Jesuit Graduate. Faith serves as a significant part of Jesuit students' lives, as it intertwines with everything from sports to education. Even though we are more separated than ever, Jesuit Campus Ministry has been continuing on activities to maintain a strong faith. For example, the team provides daily prayers and examens...
At the beginning of the year, Mr. Earsing and Mr. Garrison reflected on their own prayer services to start this year at Jesuit. Instead of focusing on one of the six profiles of the graduate, like they did in the past, the administration looked to focus on the idea of "gathering our companions," as we transition into a more...
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A small kid dressed up as a pumpkin waddles up to the table. They say "trick-or-treat" in their high-pitched voice. You grab a handful of candy and put it in their bag. A voice from behind asks, "What do you say," and the small voice sweetly replies, "thank you." On October 29, 2019, members from the Campus Ministry team helped...
This past week Campus Ministry organized a prayer service about introspection and reflection over the last semester. While Prayer Services still look different than they used to, the spirit was still alive in this broadcasted-to-most experience.This Prayer Service began like it usually does with a prayer to invite the Holy Spirit in our presence. After this prayer, we listened...
"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together." - Desmond Tutu  On January 31, 2020, as students entered the Terry Center for weekly prayer service, Tutu's quote appeared on the screen. Ever since the beginning, humans have been social beings, reliant on interaction with others to form a community and survive against the predatory wild....

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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