If you park in the Anderson Lot, you may have noticed a mess of orange posts and yellow caution tape that appeared recently. But what exactly is this equipment for, and who put it there?
The mass of yellow tape and orange posts marks out a course for the Jesuit Cycling Team to practice on. But why is this new course located in an empty dirt lot? The answer lies in the type of racing the Cycling Team will be using the course to train for.

Cyclocross is a type of cycling characterized by rigid bikes with drop bar handles and skinny tires racing on fast, technical, off-road courses. The Cycling Team will be participating in cyclocross races throughout the fall of this year. In order to practice without needing to travel to dedicated off-road parks, cycling team coaches and veteran team members constructed this course. It is designed specifically to have a wide range of obstacles commonly found in cyclocross races to test and improve the skills of newer and veteran team members alike.

The Cycling Team will be racing ‘cross weekly starting on October 20th. For a preview of what these races will look like, check out the video below exhibiting the new course.
Tune into The Roundup for more Cycling Team updates!