Friday, May 3, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

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Tag: Editor’s Pick

At a competitive private school like Jesuit, academics are essentially everything. It's a place that is designed to instill its students with principles that guide the next generation of leaders into performing at a high-level. With academics like no other, you wouldn't be surprised to see a Jesuit student recognized for his educational achievements. Jesuit changed things up a little...
At Case Western University in the battleground state of Ohio, President Donald Trump and Former Vice President Joe Biden faced off for the first time before the November elections. The Presidential debate was split into six 15 minute sections. Each of the six sections covered a topic chosen by debate moderator and Fox News anchor, Chris Wallace. According to...
Background For Jesuit Football, when we workout we have this thing called a "Ranger Challenge," which is a way for us to get bigger, stronger, and more mentally tough. So, when we transitioned over to online workouts the grind did not stop. The first couple Ranger Challenges were workout related. These included wall-sits and who can run the furthest during...
The sound of hundreds of Freshman's feet walking across the Terry Center, unknowing of the events of the day to come. The chatter between Freshman, obnoxiously playing "Among Us" or talking about the presidential debate as they wait for further instruction. Eventually, the noise dies down, the phones are set on silent, and Mr. Marr sets the tone for...
Within these pictures I wanted to capture how Jesuit students have adapted to the new environment put upon them. Even though this school year started differently the sense of community at Jesuit is still present. They have found various ways to continue studying and interacting with one another.
In recent weeks, dozens of wildfires have ignited across California, threatening to burn rural and suburban communities while covering cities in a smoggy haze. Record-breaking wildfires are occurring more and more often. On the 9th of September, the massive August Complex became the largest fire in the state's history. Summed together, they trump the ten biggest fires from the...
For Americans, there are very few events that define the 21st Century, or to an extent, their entire lives. That is, except for 9/11. The night before, moms routinely tucked their children into bed, firefighters polished their trucks for the nightly inspection, teachers intricately set up their classrooms, restaurateurs prepared the World Trade Center cafeteria's servings, families printed their boarding... With masks blocking out half of everyone's faces, and hand sanitizers' use is so common that its smell lingers in the halls. Being with your friends is different now because you can't stand closer than 6 feet to them. Even in the cafeteria, plastic shields divide everyone. If someone said these three sentences 8 months ago, the people around...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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