Sleet and wind failed to deter the RangersCompetitive shooting team in Dripping Springs, Texas, while the team came home with gold in rifle and silver in the pistol category. A quick reminder of what a shooting tournament looks like is: multiple teams compete in clay target shooting competitions. The best, efficient teams are the most accurate and the calmest under pressure, which brings a perfect description of our own Jesuit team.
On a chilly Saturday morning, the shooting team led by Coach Maggard took on one of the more unique tournaments of the season. The Hog Heaven tournament would be a large tournament with about 300 overall entries. Unlike other tournaments, a combination of sleet and wind would take over Dripping Springs where the competition was held. This would add a new challenge to the competition itself, making aiming at targets even more difficult. Another added twist to the competition would be the jamming of the guns. This is again due to the cold, brisk conditions that continued to increase the difficulty of the competition. The Jesuit squad would only be competing in two out of the eight divisions. The rifles and pistols. Jesuit would indeed take home first and second in these competitions, thanks to their poise and dedication to their craft.

After the competition itself, challenges would continue to ensue. Inclement weather in the Dallas area would make traveling conditions back from the tournament unideal and definitely difficult. The team would fight through the unideal conditions and make it back to the Metroplex intact. The team’s next match will be against North Texas 200 on March 26th.
Stay tuned to the Roundup for more Jesuit Competitive Shooting coverage.