Quick Overview: Halo Reach brought back life to the Halo series, giving new and interesting game modes, coupled with new maps, customization options, and...
Ah, it’s that bi-annual time of the year again, when our airwaves are bombarded with dark, prophetic messages played over ominous music, when the...
Ah, homecoming. That time of the fall when we all break out those flashy mums and slick suits for a weekend of fun and...
I am a Texan. I hunt. I fish. I am a member of Ducks Unlimited and the Coastal Conservation Association. My room is adorned...
Almost two decades ago, Delaware Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell said that she “dabbled in witchcraft,” on the HBO show Politically Incorrect, having no idea...
When asked by reporters during the Clinton elections what was the biggest issue in every election he answered, “It’s the economy stupid.” This was...
Sweat runs down my sand-crusted forehead, across my cheek, and finally lands in the Concrete mixture. With each shovel-full, my back winces as some...
Toy Story 3
Toy Story 3 was probably the most anticipated animated feature of the summer, and even with Pixar’s stunning reputation and track record,...