Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Little represents the spirit of Jesuit students more than our dedication to community service. From holding the fridge door for an impoverished shopper at community pantries to the sun soaked backs of our seniors at Bonton Farms, Jesuit's commitment to social relief is almost always apparent to those we aid. Jesuit's Class of 2023 commenced their first day of...
Sweat runs down my sand-crusted forehead, across my cheek, and finally lands in the Concrete mixture. With each shovel-full, my back winces as some Honduran boys and I move the pile of concrete to the left. I understand enough Spanish to know when the Hondurans want to move the piles and where to put things, but usually I am at...
After yet another successful school year at Jesuit, summer has finally arrived. Undoubtedly a well-deserved change of pace for Jesuit students, summer provides ample time to kick back, relax, soak up the sun, and watch the Rangers cultivate another winning season. More importantly, however, summer vacation serves as the perfect opportunity give your time in service of the community.  “I...
As the school year continues to pick up and the football season winds down to a finale, the Rugby team makes preparations for the start of its season in February. Many Jesuit Rugby players, faculty members, and friends alike took part in the 11th annual “Score a TRY For Humanity” blanket drive and tournament on Oct. 22 at Postell Stadium....
Despite what the cinematic embarrassment Twilight may imply, there are practical uses for the drawing of blood. This coming Wednesday, Jesuit will be hosting its annual blood drive to collect life-giving blood for the American Red Cross. David Pace, an Alumni Service Corps teacher, and coordinator of the blood drive, is happy to say that this year more people will...
From April 6 to 10, 2011, students and faculty from Jesuit and three doctors and one social worker went to Guatemala to help the sick of the country. They worked with an organization called The Vamos Mayor in two clinics, one in Panajachel and one in Nahualá. All the teacher and students were from Jesuit’s Medical Society: science teachers Mrs. Jan Jones...
Nearly scraping the Arctic circle and only miles away from Russia, sunny skies and frigid temperatures characterize, Bethel, a conglomeration of towns in southwest Alaska which service about 75 running fishing villages that range up to 4 or 5 hours upriver. As the ninth-most populous city in Alaska, with just over 6,300 people, this may seem like an unordinary...
As Jesuit students, we're called upon "to give and not count the cost," as according to the Prayer for Generosity. This message highlighting the time, talent, and treasure we all have to offer those less fortunate than us. In terms of treasure, many individuals myopically view their contributions limited to monetary value only. However, the Jesuit Rugby team sought...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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