Thursday, May 2, 2024

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News Coverage of Jesuit Academics, Campus Life, Clubs & Activities, Community Profiles, Community Service, and the Jesuit Archives

Jesuit debate has started their season off with a bang, claiming top three honors at the Plano Senior Debate Tournament on September 5th, and earning fifth place at the regional level Grapevine Tournament on September 12-13. These two finishes came against stiff competition because "Dallas is one of the best debate cities in the country," according to Coach Dan...
A pair of deserted felt loafers. A firefighter's helmet. A rusty police badge. A cap soaked with murky dust. Warped steel fragments twisting upwards. These objects appear commonplace, scattered haphazardly around New York City. Within their tattered exteriors lie an abundance of memories, frozen in time behind display cases. On Friday September 11th, 2015, several retired first responders and close...
Spanish, French, Latin, Mandarin: languages students can recognize and study at Jesuit. The school curriculum requires students take at least three years of one of these to broaden their cultural and intellectual horizons through the power of the spoken word. However, during their time at Jesuit, many students fail to recognize the importance of another language: sign language. Jesuit's Sign...
A sea of red on Friday morning as  Jesuit students piled into the Terry Center for the first mass of the year, September 4, along with thousands of Jesuit schools across the world, a tradition begun in 1548 at the first Jesuit school in Messina, Sicily. The mass, Mr. Knight explained, " is where the community gathers to thank God...
 Slicing through the convict’s shackles, Pip, a young orphan, aids in freeing a captured criminal. Last Tuesday, September 8th, juniors preformed Charles Dicken’s Great Expectations in front of their peers. Juniors reenacted scenes from the novel, highlighting main character Pip’s adventurous life. English teacher Mr. Patterson “thought it would be cool to have juniors act scenes out in the classroom” and trying...
When the class of 2015-2016 left this Tuesday on several buses for a 3-day trip to a secret location and participate in undisclosed activities, it may of seemed like a pretty strange event. But this is actually just one of Jesuit's long-standing and extremely influential retreats. Community Days is a Senior retreat focused on creating connections and fostering brotherhood between the seniors of...
Heavenly Father, Teach us to be generous. Teach us to serve you as you deserve. To give and not to count the cost, To fight and not to heed the wounds, To toil and not to seek for rest, To labor and not to ask for reward Except that of knowing, that I do your will. Amen. Saint Ignatius, Pray For Us. The Prayer for Generosity reminds...
“To give and not to count the cost…” President Earsing recently asked the entire student body to take these words from the Prayer of Generosity to heart in last week’s prayer service. He requested that every student do one kind deed each day to keep the words of St. Ignatius alive in today's world. Now, the Jesuit Department of Development...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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