Thursday, May 2, 2024

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If you listened to the chorus of modern society today, the Latin language seems too archaic, a fossil of a bygone age of Caesars, gladiators, and crimson-colored Roman legions marching on the Appian Way, to be of any use. "It's a dead language," many will quip, "I don't see the point in studying it." But these critics couldn't be...
When most people hear that you’re taking Latin, some of the common responses are “Why’d you take that?” or “That’s a poor college choice,” and, of course, the classic, “Latin is a dead language.” However, what most people don’t know is that the second largest youth organization in the United States, with over 50,000 members and 1,200 chapters in almost every...
  What do Robert Griffin III (Washington Redskins quarterback) and Chris Martin (Coldplay lead singer) have in common: they both studied Latin. These two examples show that Latin is not such a “dead” language after all. Jesuit’s Latin Club, which competes in the Junior Classical League (JCL), embraces this idea and studies the Latin culture daily, continuing thousands of...
Students at Jesuit choose to take one of four languages freshman year: Spanish, French, Mandarin, and Latin. Each course is unique, not only in content but also in how it shapes every student’s experience. Latin class, especially, has a particularly strong effect on its students because of the Junior Classical League, or JCL. Recently, a number of Jesuit Latin...
In schools across the country, budget cuts and the march of time have pushed the Latin language out of curriculums. Even in schools with classic language programs, students shy away from studying Latin in favor of Spanish, French, Mandarin, et al. But despite, or perhaps because of, its general drop in popularity, the Latin language can claim the distinction of...
On Thursday, December 6th, students from both Jesuit and Hockaday and members of the Junior Classical League (JCL), attended the annual "Saturnalia" party in Hughes Hall. Historically, Saturnalia refers to the mid-December Roman holiday (later replaced by Christmas) celebrating the deity Saturn. The JCL version of Saturnalia didn't include the celebration of Saturn, but was filled with plenty of great food,...
On February 24, 2024, 40 Jesuit students competed in the JCL Area C competition at Richardson High School. JCL is a classical Latin and Greek competition where students are able to compete in academic competitions, but also participate in other activities where they can get awards. The students were joined by other students across the metroplex and were guided...
The annual JCL state competition, hosted in Garland this year, was well represented by the Jesuit Latin community. Of the 1800 or so competitors at the annual competition, 36 came from Jesuit. Jesuit exceeded expectations at this year's event, as 32 of the 36 competitors placed on the pentathlon. Results What's Next Jesuit will also have an amazing turnout for Nationals this...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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