Thursday, March 27, 2025

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

You drive up to your date's front door. A large, colorful sign decorated with a pun lays in the backseat. Your heart is racing...
Tommy Roy '20 advances another step, now an arm's length from the front door. His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy. There's vomit...
Video by Media Editor Silas Hartman '20, photography by J.P. Moore '21 The annual freshman mixer has stood as one of the preliminary events for...
Intricate snowflakes lined the garnished hallways of Jesuit, with the reverberations of melodious tunes ringing throughout the night. Lights of all colors shone bright...
A mosh pit erupts in the Terry Center, a crowd of students aggressively dances to upbeat tunes, clad in shirts, ties, dresses, and... super-suits?...
The Roundup Podcast Ep. 4 - Stuco on Hoco On this episode: We go behind the scenes of homecoming and Ranger Day with Student Council President...
Prom is a tradition unlike any other: young men clad in black tuxedos enter the large ballroom with their dates dressed in luxurious dresses....

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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