Thursday, May 16, 2024

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Campus Ministry

News Coverage of Jesuit Campus Ministry

Tabor Jones '16, Jose Rivera '16, Will Naquin '17, and Reid Hatzmann '18 shared the following reflections with the Jesuit Community on the October 16 Friday prayer service that was led by the Jesuit Dallas pilgrims to Philadelphia for Pope Francis's visit to the United States. Evan Jackson '17 and Nicolas Elizondo ‘18 also made the pilgrimage with two members of our faculty,...
The word synod comes from the Latin synodus meaning "assembly" or "meeting." A synod means an "ecclesiastical council," or when leaders and laypeople. of the church come together. In the Diocese of Dallas, the last time a synod was called was in 1939, under Bishop Lynch. A couple of years ago, Bishop Edward Burns, the bishop of the Diocese of Dallas...
On March 27, 2024, the Wednesday of Holy Week, the Class of 2025 engaged in their Junior Retreat and ended the day by celebrating the Junior Cross Mass. The Junior Retreat is pivotal as it prepares the current Juniors to discern about their roles as leaders of the school for next year. The Junior Cross Mass helps the Juniors...
After months of empty classrooms and silent hallways, Jesuit became crammed with smiling faces as the first bells signaled the beginning of the new school year. The new school year ushered in a wide assortment of emotions, ranging from senior excitement to freshman fright. To begin Jesuit’s first half day, the students and faculty spilled into the Terry Center for a...
The Campus Ministry Staff has always worked tirelessly for Jesuit, planning masses, examens, prayers, and retreats. Recently, the team has received its newest member: Dorrie Andrews. This week, The Roundup interviewed Mrs. Andrews to gain insight into her role at Campus Ministry. Why did you pick being part of the Campus Ministry Staff, as opposed to another job? "When I learned...
On Friday, April 9th, 2021, a very special prayer service was held. Like in previous prayer services, there was a limited number of students present in the Terry Center. A majority of the students live-streamed the event from their homeroom classrooms. This week, the senior class was able to come together in a social-distanced environment and pray together. The Service As...
On a wet and rainy Saturday morning, a group of 41 small group leaders comprised of juniors and seniors began setting up for the Freshman Retreat, the first milestone of the class of 2014’s journey through Jesuit. The Freshman Retreat is the first of many retreats in a student’s Jesuit career. It is also one of the most important....
The Terry Center, filled with Jesuit Dallas and Strake students, teachers, and guests, sit in anticipation for the mass said by Father Carlos Esparza S.J., class of '98. Father Esparza's return to Jesuit is preceded by working with the Department of Defense, joining the Jesuits, working at Jesuit Strake, and now preaching in Denver, Colorado. He returns to the...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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