Saturday, May 4, 2024

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News Coverage of the Jesuit Science Department

From primitive men watching birds soar from tree branches into the sky, to the Wright brothers flying the first successful airplanes at Kitty Hawk, all the way up to jumbo jets and passenger planes taking us on our vacations today, the idea of flying has captivated man for centuries. Mrs. Carver, the leader of the Jesuit ACE (Aeronautical, Chemical,...
Students come to class and take a short quiz over what they learned the previous week. They quickly work to finish all the problems, and once they finish, they hand over the quizzes to their instructor. The next day, the results are in. Most students received a 3 on their quiz, standing for mastery, increasing their overall grade. However,...
During the sophomore year of our high school experience, 27 classmates and I applied for and received a spot on the Marine Biology I summer course.  This course, designed by Dr. Todd Gruninger and Assistant Principal Benjamin Kirby, both Jesuit alumni, required two weeks of summer school classes in Dallas and one week of travel to the British Virgin Islands. ...
Having worked since the beginning of the second semester, the junior class of Jesuit has recently completed their Rube Goldberg project, one of the most important projects of the year. Rube Goldberg was an American cartoonist and inventor who gained popularity for his complex mechanisms that rendered simple results. The history of the Rube Goldberg project started four...
Hoping to mix the lab back into the classroom, Jesuit science teachers, along with other Jesuit staff, planned and overhauled three new science labs in the upstairs B Hallway over the past year. The idea for the new labs has been floating around for the past few years. Science Teachers Dr. Todd Gruninger and Mrs. Julie Carver took the lead...
Tim Host was just a humble counselor at Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas with a love of Pez. He was a beloved, integral part of admissions as he helped freshmen acclimate to life at Jesuit. He was...until he was murdered in cold blood. Crack teams of forensics agents were tasked with bringing any liable parties to justice. The investigators, seniors in Mrs. Stefanie...
The freshman bug project is a long-standing tradition among students, alumni, and incoming freshmen. The project has outlasted almost every building, stadium, and classroom. And like the renovations that have altered the Jesuit campus, the bug project has begun a journey of change. Beginning in the spring of 2014, the bug project will incorporate  more sophisticated science. The project was started...
For three weeks this summer, a group of Jesuit seniors and juniors participated in our first ever Marine Biology course. Under the instruction of science teachers Mr. Ben Kirby and Dr. Todd Gruninger, students studied the basics of marine biology in the classroom at Jesuit for two weeks before traveling to the beautiful British Virgin Islands. During the first week,...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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