Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

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      Featured Articles

      On May 10th, many of you all thought, great the senior convocation; however, that day held more than that this year. That is because Jesuit hosted an annual event called the Special Games. They invited a multitude of schools around the Dallas Fort Worth area who teach children with special needs, one of the schools including the Notre Dame...
      On October 16, 2011, a dedication took place in Washington D.C. for the memorial of the most important civil rights leader in our nation’s history, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  King led much of the Civil Rights Movement during the 1950s and 1960s, beginning with his involvement in the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955. Dr. King’s birthday, which is celebrated...
      Nervously awaiting their cue, a group of seniors sit at the front of the large crowd. After Mr. Host gives the call to worship, Dr. Riemer gives some short introductory remarks. Three seniors walk to the stage, sit down on stools, and read from their journals, which contain their thoughts and reflections from their trip to Peru. Setting Up Dr. Riemer...
      After Speaker Pelosi's Taipei visit, the CSIS commenced a series of war games to simulate a potential war between the US and China over Taiwan. The US emerged victorious in defending Taiwan, but suffered the losses of 900+ US Navy and Air Force fighters and 2 multi-billion dollar aircraft carriers. How did this happen?!? Let's find out. MODERATORS  Various think tank...
      On March 1st, many registered voters in Texas casted their ballots for a multitude of public offices across the state. These voters chose party nominees for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and other positions. Based on past debates and arguments by contesting candidates, many continued to vote for their parties like in 2018. Many incumbent and strong challenges of...
      On August 25, 2023, eight Canidates vying for the Republican Presidential nomination walked on to a stage in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Throughout the night, there would be discussion, a display of character, and a few roasts. However, the debate produced some meaningful information. Many of the candidates' positions on certain issues were revealed. Opening Martha MacCallum and Bret Bair opened up the...
      "Rugby is a game all about teamwork and support, because in order to go forwards you must go backwards." Jesuit Rugby, in their final stretch of their season, finished with a 2-2-1 record, ending the season on a reasonably high note. New Orleans and Harlequin Against New Orleans on March 3rd, the game was highly contested with neither side able to run...
      Recently, world-class billionaire and social hero Elon Musk made the groundbreaking announcement that he will purchase the major social network corporation - Twitter Inc. Musk is expected to serve as a temporary CEO for Twitter as he completes the 44 billion dollar purchase of the social media company. A United State Securities and Exchange Commission Filing on Thursday revealed that...

      About Jesuit Dallas

      Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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