Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

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      Featured Articles

      "Hey! Can I borrow your drill (or hot glue gun, or a couple zipties/screws)?" "Are you gonna use this , or do you need it?" "When does this period end?" *bell rings* Amid these commonplace inquisitions, the whirring of drills, cutting of wood, or the occasional (constant) dropping of a hammer, the annual physics Rube Goldberg projects are heard being constructed (God...
      On. Off. On. Off. The flickering lights of the theater rapidly switch on and off, repeatedly shedding light on the intricate American Flag-painted stage before replacing it with darkness. Familiar to many, the flashing lights alert the audience to silence their phones, to sit quietly, and enjoy the next hour and a half of the Jesuit Theater’s spring performance. On...
      In March, as the sweaty, exhausted track and field athletes gathered around performance Coach Mike Cahill after finishing their morning workout, he began with the normal reminder to eat a healthy breakfast, advertising the bargain on the eight ounce milks. Unsurprisingly, he moved on to the familiar and frequently repeated reminder that the team needs to peak at the District...
      If you’ve been at Jesuit for long, hopefully you’re aware of the robotics team that resides in the basement of the Terry Center. The grinding, grumbling, and screeching made by the lab’s machines as they craft parts for robots are mostly muffled by the walls, heard by no one. But last weekend, the Jesuit team, 2848, was heard at...
      Link to video here. “Surreal.” That’s the word both Mr. Crownover, director of the men’s chorus, and Sam Dayton ‘20, member of the men’s chorus, used to describe singing our national anthem to over 30,000 people on April 23 at the Ranger’s stadium. Let’s start from the beginning. Two months ago, Jesuit’s athletic director asked the men’s chorus if they...
      Fried Chicken. A testament to the American dream. A staple to Sunday Night football or ravenous late night Whataburger excursions. Originally a Scottish dish, fried chicken has pervaded this nation's culture from the ground up. In the early 19th century, Southern farmers introduced the delicacy to the population as a replacement to the boring broiled norm. Infusing their culture's...
      In an age where succinct sound bites of information, snaps, and tweets eclipse studies and cross-referencing information, TL;DR (too long didn’t read) and social media has ushered us into an age dominated by headlines and articles that oversimplify complex issues. We have grown accustomed to digesting complicated information in a title and having simple conversations about complex issues. But...
      Below is an interview with Coach Delong, the head coach of the 2017 Jesuit Varsity soccer team. He speaks of their journey to the state championship and the struggles along the way. Enjoy!

      About Jesuit Dallas

      Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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