"I thought that this play represents the limits to duty, and when the tension between one's moral compass and obligations break, and our characters...
A dead private, two honor-bound marines, an obstinate colonel, a nagging commander, and Tom Cruise are apparently all you need for a thrilling courtroom...
hursday, May 11, the Jesuit Stage and Film hosted their much-beloved film festival. The festival consists of a combination of films from students from...
With stunning cinematography, complex character development, and themes of moral ambiguity, Better Call Saul, the spin-off prequel to the popular TV show Breaking Bad,...
FDFrom April 20-23, Jesuit Stage & Film performed “Clue” in the Melsheimer Family Theater. "Clue" was the last performance of the 2022-2023 school year....
The 95th Academy Awards just aired on screens all around the world. Despite not garnering many awards, Top Gun: Maverick continues to make a...
On February 24 and 25, Jesuit Dallas Stage and film presented the witty and comical play "The Real Inspector Hound" at the Melsheimer Family...
Brigadier General Mitchell
Through my pursuing of my private pilot license and overall interest in aviation, I have begun to study the many figures that...