Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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Authors Articles by Luis Osorio '21

Luis Osorio '21

Luis Osorio '21
This week, I had the opportunity to have a brief conversation with Coach Koch over the school food drive. Before we conversed, he provided me with some general information from the food drive this year: “Final count was 12,819 pounds donated to Catholic Charities of Dallas (2819 pounds from student can foods and a 10,000-pound donation from coaches). It...
Back in early February I got the chance to have a very informal conversation with Mr. Garrison over COVID-19 and the impact it has had on our Jesuit community. While we talked, I asked him a series of guiding questions or prompts to steer our conversation. The questions progress from the thoughts about last year, especially around late March,...
With student body elections right around the corner, each candidate on the election ticket composed an introduction about who they are and what they plan to do. Student Body elections will be held on Tuesday March 2, 2021. Elections will run from the start of class to the dismissal bell on that given day. The election will be located...
Republicans blocked a Democratic move in the Senate Judiciary Committee to delay the confirmation process. Their leader then declared, “We have the votes” to prevail. With confirmation all but assured, senators grappled over the legitimacy and precedent of an election-season vote. The question-and-answer segment of the hearing this week was marked by general civility and respect for the nominee. On the...
On Wednesday, senators began their questioning of Judge Amy Coney Barrett during her third day of Supreme Court confirmation hearing. Graham praised Barrett for being ‘unashamedly pro-life,’ saying her confirmation will be a breakthrough for conservative women. Opening Remarks: Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, opened Wednesday’s hearing by proclaiming Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s coming confirmation a historic victory for conservative...
On Tuesday, senators began their questioning of Judge Amy Coney Barrett during her Supreme Court confirmation hearing. Main Point - Barrett says she would not be ‘used as a pawn’ to decide potential election case: Judge Barrett described her judicial philosophy, as questioning got underway. Barrett calls herself a strict textualist in the tradition of her mentor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia. “In...
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham announced that the hearing to consider the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to serve as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States will begin October 12, 2020. A slight majority of American voters oppose the Senate holding confirmation hearings for Barrett, though opposition has eased since Trump announced his...
The last day to register to vote in Texas is Oct. 5. The last day to request a ballot to vote by mail is Oct. 23. Early voting starts on Oct. 13 and ends Oct. 30. John Cornyn and MJ Hegar's race is competitive in Texas, yet they maintain a low profile compared to 2018's Senate contest. Incumbent John Cornyn...

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