Mr. Elwood Hecker, SJ who came with the school in ’42 was the first band moderator/glee club director; working closely with Mr. Hohman they together produced the fight song…“We’ll sing hurrah for the blue and gold”… and the Ranger Victory March (First Alma Mater). I have no memory of this alma mater. By my time it had disappeared, so Mr. T.L. Herlong–now Fr. Herlong–at my invitation came forth with a new Alma Mater whose closing words are: “To serve our fellow man with love, our country and our God, with faith & courage all our lives, in the path that Jesus trod.” [see below] Until ’72 this was our Alma Mater when the present “Freedom & brotherhood” replaced it…
Terry Bartley ’63
Papers donated by Terry Bartley ’63 included this Alma Mater:
Jesuit Hight we proudly hail thee our fost’ring mother dear
Loyal sons we shall endeavor to keep thy teaching near
To serve our fellow man with love, our country and our God
With faith and courage all our life in the path Christ Jesus trod
David McGowan ’69 remembers that the school did not have an Alma Mater in 1967 when he arrived as a junior transfer student. When he returned to teach in 1990, the school was using the current Alma Mater: “Freedom & brotherhood.”
The 1988-89 Student Handbook includes the Alma Mater:
Freedom and Brotherhood,
Service and Friendship;
Dear Mother, help us to cherish your dream.
Lead us to seek truth
And form us into your sons.
Jesuit, implant in us
All God’s love.