I am taking this method of communicating as the most convenient since I am afraid that I really have little to say. My wife, Cathy, says that expecting to get anything of value on events that took place 55 years ago from an 80-year-old man with a poor memory to begin with is an exercise in futility.

As I guess you know, I was a member of the Jesuit class of 44, I think the smallest graduating class the school has ever had, about 25. I was the salutatorian of that class, the valedictorian being Fr. Patrick Koch, who played a major role in the growth and development of Jesuit College Prep.

I was not a social animal then so can help you little on those aspects of Jesuit life. I became a student there since we are Roman Catholic; I was attending Highland Park then which, as it is now, was a very socially-oriented high school and I simply did not fit in. We lived at that time on Lemmon Ave., so walking back and forth to school was no problem.

I do clearly recall my favorite professor, Fr. Michael Kammer, S.J, who taught history and government and in a thorough and entertaining manner. His enthusiasm for subjects and his determination that his students would get the most out of them, whether they wanted to or not, are features of his classes that I remember to this day. Details I cannot recall, but the learning atmosphere in that class has stayed with me all this time.

I think that’s about it for me. As you can infer from what I’ve said, by and large, I simply walked home after the days’ classes were over and did not participate in most other aspects of school life. But I do hope this will be of some small assistance to you.
