Two freshman teams, decked out in their homeroom themes, stand poised at the starting line ready to pull their Chariot with their senior on it. The tension and anticipation thick in the air.
The annual Jesuit Dallas Chariot Races and Powder Puff Game, which happened on October 25th 2024, is if not the most anticipated day during the school year. Ursuline and Jesuit students got together for a day full of games and field activities. However, the most anticipated events during the day were the Chariot Race and Powder Puff Game.
Powder Puff Game
The Powder Puff game, where senior and junior girls of Ursuline donned jerseys and faced off on the football field. This year’s showdown was nothing short of thrilling, filled with impressive plays and unrelenting determination.
First Half Recap: The game started with a bang as the seniors managed a touchdown on the very first play. However, the jubilation was cut short by a penalty, removing their touchdown Undeterred, the seniors quickly regrouped, executing a jet sweep to pick up a first down. It wasn’t long before #12 scored a touchdown on the opening drive, setting a decisive tone for the seniors.
The juniors, eager to respond, delivered a strong kickoff return to their 40-yard line. Mimi Flanagan led the charge with a crucial first down, but their momentum was abruptly halted by a senior interception on an attempted trick play.
Second Half Highlights: The seniors kicked off the second half, and the juniors struggled with bobbled snaps, stalling their first possession. A determined senior defense stopped the juniors on fourth down, only to have their own pass intercepted on the very next drive. Despite the juniors’ efforts, the seniors sealed their victory by stopping the juniors once again on fourth down.
In the end, the seniors emerged victorious with a 7-0 win, showcasing their skill, strategy, and unyielding spirit.

Chariot Races:
One of the most anticipated events of the the day was the chariot races. The entire community of Jesuit came together to watch as different homerooms came to compete in a high stakes race to win the Big Brother’s Trophy. Who are the Big brothers? “Big Brothers is a senior/freshmen mentoring group with the primary goal being to teach the incoming freshman class about our values, tradition & spirit.” In the end, even though Berry’s homeroom won the chariot race, Johnson edged out the competition and won the Big brother Cup with 296 points because they won best theme, barely edging out Berry’s homeroom with 276 points.

Chariot races were a amazing success this year thanks to the proactive leadership of the senior big brothers with their homerooms. I thought the homerooms did an amazing job dressing in their theme of choice. From Aliens to Dinosaurs, every homeroom really did a great job at making Ranger Day fun!- Tim Murphy
Final Thoughts:
While Ranger Day was full of fun, the internal beauty of Ranger Day is the Jesuit and Ursuline students coming together and celebrating their brother and sisterhood through the lens of fun field activities and chariot races. While on the surface Ranger Day was all about fun and hanging out with your friends, the real win was the sense of togetherness created by the events.