On November 8th Genshin Impact released version 4.2 alongside the new banner characters, Baizhu and Furina. With Furina being the second hydro sword user, Xingqui being the first. However, being initially overlooked, with her banner having come to an end, we are now able to see her full capabilities and her place in the Meta.
Kit Overview
First, to find out how to best use her in a team, we must analyze her kit and role.
Normal Attack- Soloist’s Solicitation
- Basic attack- consists of 4 consecutive jabs and slashes chained together with her initial hit dealing a single instance of hydro damage. However, how she really differs from other characters making her special is her charged attack.
- Charged attack–Â by holding down left, instead of performing a charged attack she will undergo a form change, switching Peuma to Ousia alignment alongside a new outfit color scheme. This alignment change will change what her elemental burst does depending on the alignment she is in.

Elemental Skill- Salon Solitaire
This skill has a cooldown of 20 seconds and a duration of 30 seconds.
- Ousia Alignment- she will summon a stationary sentry named “The Singer of Many Waters” which heals your character every 2.5 seconds, scaling on Furina’s maximum health.

- Peuma Alignment- Furina will instead summon 3 sea creatures: an octopus named Gentihomme Ushar, a seahorse named Surintendante Chevalmarin, and finally a crab named Mademoiselle Crabaletta. These three will move around the battlefield and attack enemies for you, dealing hydro damage based on Furina’s maximum health. As these sea creatures obliterate your enemies with their high damage scaling based on Furina’s health, they will drain the party’s health. In return their damage will be buffed based on how many party members are above 50% of their health. However, the summons will stop draining the party’s health once all party members reach 50% of their maximum health, with their damage buff fading over time. The summons will remain on field even when switching your character.

Elemental Burst- Let the People Rejoice
Energy Cost- 60
- Releasing her elemental burst fills the screen with bubbles, dealing a single instance of AOE hydro damage to all surrounding enemies based on Furina’s health. After releasing her burst the party will enter the Universal Revelry state, buffing the team: for each one percent of a character’s health healed, the party will gain a Fanfare point. Each Fanfare point converts to a party wide damage buff of 0.25% as well as a partywide incoming healing buff of 0.10% for each Fanfare points, which will stack on top of each other for an 18 second duration. At the end of this burst’s duration, the fanfare points will be cleared.
As seen through her elemental skill and burst, she plays the role as a off-field hydro DPS as well as a team-wide buffer, helping buff characters how much other characters heal and how much damage they deal to enemies. Although the initial percentage of 0.25% and 0.10% may not look too big, with each percent of health a character heals, the fanfare points stack up quickly with a cap at 300. At max fanfare the whole party would deal 75% more overall damage and be healing 30% more health.
With a correct build Furina could help your team deal some serious damage! With her whole kit based on scaling with her maximum health it should be a given that we should be focusing on making her health as high as possible.
Building her
Artifacts-Â her best artifact set is 4 piece Golden Troupe, helping aid her off-field damage. With an initial 20% elemental skill damage with 2 pieces on her. With a four piece set she gains an additional 25% extra elemental skill damage bonus and while the character is not on the field her elemental skill will deal an extra 25% damage.

Weapon Options
- Furina’s best weapon option is the sword “Splendor of Still Waters” with a base attack of 542 and giving an additional 88.2% Crit damage at max level.
Splendor of Still Waters - Furina’s 2nd best weapon option is either the “Primordial Jade Cutter” or “Festering Desires” based on what your character is lacking. Jade cutter has a base attack of 542 and gives 44.1% crit rate at max level with a passive that gives 20% health with an additional attack buff based on 1.2% of your characters max heath. However festering desires helps her in terms of energy recharge to make sure her elemental burst is always available. Festering Desires has a base attack of 510 with an additional 45.9% energy recharge, as well as a passive that increases elemental skill damage by 16% and the elemental skill’s chance to crit by 6%. Sadly this sword is no longer available, only being attainable during an event during 1.2.
Primordial Jade Cutter Festering Desires
With Furina’s banner over, we will be unable to receive her from the current banners. However, instead of looking at how far 4.6 is away (April 2024) and being filled with dread, instead we can begin preparing! we can start grinding for good artifacts and weapons for her return!
Remember to enjoy the time you play the game and balance your time wisely. Stop and smell the roses, don’t get burnt out before April even comes around!
“Osmanthis wine tastes the same as I remember…But where are those who share the memory?”– Rex Lapis