Few televised events captivate the national attention quite like the president’s State of the Union address. On the third Tuesday in January, year after...
“The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try and take it.” Thomas Jefferson perfectly encapsulates the...
It’s amazing how much a year can change. Our nation’s constantly vacillating attention can shift from India and Copenhagen to Chile and Haiti. The...
I’m hearing a lot of banter about Congress discussing how to deal with the expiring tax reduction legislatures passed by President George W. Bush...
Ah, it’s that bi-annual time of the year again, when our airwaves are bombarded with dark, prophetic messages played over ominous music, when the...
I am a Texan. I hunt. I fish. I am a member of Ducks Unlimited and the Coastal Conservation Association. My room is adorned...