Last year, I was watching one of my favorite television shows, Showtime’s Shameless, when I ran into a song at the end of an...
Trotting through a lush, green forest, Epona follows her master, Link, through a foggy and mystifying forest filled with massive trees and busy creatures...
Artists experiencing alienation from their surroundings is nothing special. What makes an artist great is his total sense of self-awareness and ability to communicate...
The iPad 2 has already been deemed one of the best, if not the best, tablet available on the market since its release. From...
Sometime a couple years ago, an adolescent boy decided to create music in addition to fulfilling his academic obligations. Painstakingly saving his money, he...
When one thinks of Los Angeles, California, sunny beaches, multilingual communities, and burdening taxes probably come to mind. In the world of Legend, an...
It is fairly common for Hollywood to release at least a few films each year about, well, films. Possibly nothing is more characteristic of...
Exhaling through his nose, aiming through the scope of his rifle, Navy SEAL Chris Kyle pulled the trigger. The bullet leapt out of the...