Trotting through a lush, green forest, Epona follows her master, Link, through a foggy and mystifying forest filled with massive trees and busy creatures stirring in the silence of the environment. From behind a tree, the silhouette of a creature chuckles to itself and slowly approaches an unsuspecting Link. Although Link is a proficient swordsman, the imp suddenly mounts...
Artists experiencing alienation from their surroundings is nothing special. What makes an artist great is his total sense of self-awareness and ability to communicate his thoughts and emotions. Unfortunately, mindsets that lend themselves to self-awareness often result in an inability to interact with others in a socially acceptable manner. Unable to find meaning in their interpersonal relationships, misunderstood artists...
The iPad 2 has already been deemed one of the best, if not the best, tablet available on the market since its release. From the first generation iPad, the iPad 2 unveiled a brand new design, a more powerful processor, a camera and much more. Now, the newest iPad once again changes the game in the technology world with...
Sometime a couple years ago, an adolescent boy decided to create music in addition to fulfilling his academic obligations. Painstakingly saving his money, he purchased a turntable, a balanced pair of headphones, and also pirated audio software.
Initially, the boy didn’t give the poorly edited cacophony of sounds much credit. He just looked to his creations as something entirely independent,...
When one thinks of Los Angeles, California, sunny beaches, multilingual communities, and burdening taxes probably come to mind. In the world of Legend, an apocalyptic fiction book by author Marie Lu, there is barely any of the sprawling metropolis left unaffected by natural disasters.
The United States of America? Pffft. That’s been gone for years. In its place there are...
It is fairly common for Hollywood to release at least a few films each year about, well, films. Possibly nothing is more characteristic of American cinema than its frequent vanity-driven practice of looking at itself in the mirror, praising itself for bringing “magic” to the masses.
Occasionally, however, there comes a movie that takes a significant step back and really...
Exhaling through his nose, aiming through the scope of his rifle, Navy SEAL Chris Kyle pulled the trigger. The bullet leapt out of the rifle, screamed through the air, and directly hit its target: a woman. The women, a middle-aged Iraqi, had been attempting to set off a grenade and to blow herself up, taking many U.S. Marines along...
“Under the bridge downtown is where I drew some blood/Under the bridge I could not get enough/Under the bridge forgot about my love/Under the bridge I gave my life away.”
Perhaps no other set of lyrics that Anthony Kiedis—the lead singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers—wrote is as insightful or powerful as this set here. These lyrics, excerpted from...