Friday, May 17, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

For over 15 years now, the junior classes of Jesuit have participated in a service project unlike many others in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.  Led by Mr. McDaniel, the junior class guidance counselor, PALS annually orchestrates and executes this service event, known as the CPS Christmas Project. Christian Koejimans ’14 commented on the upcoming event, “Personally, I’m looking forward to...
For the last fourteen years, Jesuit seniors have taken a Social Justice and Public Policy course in order to reflect on their service every week. Now, however, this class has been upgraded and renamed to the Service and Justice Capstone course. Director of Community Service Mr. Rich Perry, who has the most influence over the material and framework of the class,...
On May 12, 2017, the glistening eyes of the of the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors watched the Seniors march into the Terry Center as the entire student body of 2017 gathered for the last time. After the Seniors marched in, Mr. Garrison stepped on stage and called the congregation to worship, thus inaugurating the Senior Convocation of 2017. The...
"Ay, ¿qué ónda? (Hey, what's up?)"  A group of excited students in red t-shirts burst through the terminal doors and flocked to their new families.  New friendships were beginning and old friendships were strengthening as the Mexican students were welcomed into the Jesuit Dallas community. For three weeks this April, eleven students from the Jesuit school, Instituto de las Ciencias...
I never expected to be the lead teacher for 24 middle schoolers at 17 years old.  The Breakthrough Collaborative made this happen. This summer, I worked as a Teaching Fellow at Breakthrough Fort Worth.  In this article, I want to share with you one of the most impactful and rewarding experiences of my life. So what is this amazing program...
Ecstatic former students from the Notre Dame School of Dallas came to Jesuit on Friday December 12, for a special  holiday tradition, the 7th annual Notre Dame School Christmas Dance. This year marked the biggest turnout for the dance as 20 percent more students from Notre Dame came than last year, completely filling the cafeteria while dancing to the music played by the famous...
Hundreds of gracious Jesuit students pile into the Terry Center, eagerly waiting their turn to have a monstrous needle puncture their skin, courageously overcoming their anxiety and pain in order to donate their blood to those in need. On Wednesday, October 21, Jesuit hosted their annual fall blood drive in the Terry Center. A remarkable total of 162 students...
We all know that although Christmas can be “the most wonderful time of the year”, it can also be the most stressful – endless shopping in order to find the right gifts for loved ones.  But for some families, Christmas can become more of a burden then a blessing.  These underprivileged families, stricken with misfortune and poverty, often cannot...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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