With the excitement of Ranger Day filling the air on November 2, Jesuit wants to celebrate the Homecoming game with a pre-game tailgate party....
Athens, circa 776 BC
In the early morning mist, chariot jockey Rangerious Maximus stroked the smooth, sturdy wooden axels of the mighty cart he would...
It’s that time of year again, when eighth graders from schools around the metroplex roam the halls of Jesuit in search of what it...
The U.S. presidential election may be one of the most highly anticipated events in the world. As candidates and voters alike hold their breaths,...
Country music is a staple of our culture here in Texas, and because Jesuit is a Texan school, many of its students find themselves...
The results are in. In anticipation of the upcoming November election, this past week on Friday, October 12, The Roundup held a mock presidential...
When observing the typical conversations between teenage boys, specifically Jesuit students, politics usually isn’t a topic that one would generally overhear. More often than...
Walking through the hallways of Jesuit, one looks through the window of a classroom and sees a group of young men sitting at their...