The shiny floors of the main hallway vibrate under the footsteps of all Jesuit's students, new and returning. Teachers meet their students whom they will...
Hundreds of guys and girls flood the Terry Center, Sperry’s stomping on the floor, hands waving through the air, the faces of the freshmen...
“Pray to find the good in the lowest part of the day...this will give you great power.”
Mr. Garrison, the principal of Jesuit, stressed this...
In 2013, the Roman Catholic Church elected Jorge Mario Bergoglio Pope. The priests, scholastics, faculty, and students at Jesuit Dallas along with many other...
The traditions and activities surrounding prom are always a great experience. What's not to love about getting dressed up in a hot tuxedo and take...
When people think of priests, all they consider is their spirituality and role as spiritual leaders within the Church community, failing to realize that...
"For the dead and the living we must bear witness," writes Elie Wiesel for President Carter before the opening of The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum....