Monday, January 20, 2025

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Hundreds of guys and girls flood the Terry Center, Sperry’s stomping on the floor, hands waving through the air, the faces of the freshmen lit with joy. Speakers boom with the sound of vibrant music. This is the typical setting of the Jesuit and Ursuline freshman mixer. On Saturday, August 29, 2015, Jesuit hosted the annual Freshman Mixer solely for...
“Pray to find the good in the lowest part of the day...this will give you great power.” Mr. Garrison, the principal of Jesuit, stressed this message in the first prayer service of the 2015-2016 school year on August 28th. Elaborating on this point, Mr. Garrison emphasized the importance of the daily Examen, how it allows us to reflect on our...
In 2013, the Roman Catholic Church elected Jorge Mario Bergoglio Pope. The priests, scholastics, faculty, and students at Jesuit Dallas along with many other Jesuit schools across the country became ecstatic at the news as Bergoglio etched his name in history as the very first Jesuit to become Pope. Now, just over two years later, Bergoglio, now known as...
The traditions and activities surrounding prom are always a great experience. What's not to love about getting dressed up in a hot tuxedo and take pictures for an hour before congregating on a crowded dance floor. Prom is always bound to be a fun night filled with memorable experiences. The 2015 prom was the first for the 2016 class, whereas the...
When people think of priests, all they consider is their spirituality and role as spiritual leaders within the Church community, failing to realize that priests, too, have personal lives and hobbies. On March 27th, two priests, Fr. Robert Murphy and  Fr. Edwin Leonard, a Jesuit and a diocesan respectively, spoke to students about their own paths to the priesthood and the...
"For the dead and the living we must bear witness," writes Elie Wiesel for President Carter before the opening of The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. This quote has great meaning, as it calls for us to “bear witness” to the awful truth that is prejudice, intolerance, and hatred in the world. It serves as a reminder to remain vigilant against evil...
One of the many, many benefits of attending Jesuit College Preparatory is the opportunity to go on a retreat every year with classmates. To begin their Jesuit careers, all students first attend the Freshman Retreat in which they discover the school-wide spiritual community at Jesuit. Next, near the end of their sophomore year, students go on the Midpoint Retreat...
German soldiers use hand grenades to exterminate all signs of life within the homes of Jewish Poles in the Warsaw Ghetto. Failing to massacre every Jew in hiding, they send the survivors to concentration camps throughout Poland and Germany. This is one of the many events witnessed by Max Glauben. On April 7, Jesuit welcomed Holocaust survivor Max Glauben,...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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