Tuesday, January 21, 2025

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Campus Ministry Prayer Service

Prayer Service

News Coverage of Jesuit Prayer Services

On Tuesday, April 18th the Jesuit community came together to reflect on the virtue of Gratitude. During the prayer service, Gratitude was tied into one of the most important things here at Jesuit, athletics. Prayer Service At the start of the prayer service, we heard some short prayers. Then came the most impactful part of the event.  Two seniors spoke about...
On February 7, 2023, the Jesuit community came together to celebrate a prayer service about the variety of languages students speak in our school. The service highlighted many different languages and how some of the most popular languages in Catholicism translate and sound like in different languages. In this prayer service the reflected scripture passage came from 1 Cor...
During an October prayer service, our school president, Mr. Earsing, reflected on how the Profile of the Graduate of Intellectually Competent helps students grow in their faith journey throughout their lives. To be intellectually competent can be perceived in many different ways and how it will affect your understanding of many different things in life. Recently, I spoke with...
On August 19, 2022, the entire school gathered in the Terry Center for a prayer service. However, this first day of school prayer service is different from those of other years. This year's prayer service signaled the first time an entire student body convened in the Terry Center in three years. This year's Profile of the Graduate theme is...
Every Wednesday morning, Jesuit holds prayer services in which students get to further their education, faith, and ability to understand the situations that surround them. This past week's prayer service was all about inter-religious prayer, and how to understand others who aren't Catholics, and their beliefs. I was honored to interview the seniors who spoke at it. An Interview With...
At the beginning of the year, Mr. Earsing and Mr. Garrison reflected on their own prayer services to start this year at Jesuit. Instead of focusing on one of the six profiles of the graduate, like they did in the past, the administration looked to focus on the idea of "gathering our companions," as we transition into a more...
On Wednesday, September 22nd, Jesuit Dallas Hope Squad led the school in two prayer services. "Hope Squad is an organization led by students and faculty on approaching mental health and suicide prevention." Due to social distancing in the Terry Center, the first prayer service consisted of seniors and freshmen, while the second prayer service was attended by sophomores and juniors....
On Friday, April 9th, 2021, a very special prayer service was held. Like in previous prayer services, there was a limited number of students present in the Terry Center. A majority of the students live-streamed the event from their homeroom classrooms. This week, the senior class was able to come together in a social-distanced environment and pray together. The Service As...

About Jesuit Dallas

Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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