With this exciting 2013-2014 school year kicking off, Jesuit looks for big changes all around the campus and student life to improve the Jesuit...
The senior class of 2014 is the first ever to experience the new options to the English curriculum where they can choose their own...
When most students hear the word “Latin,” they think of just another language course, one more item on the to-do list for graduation. Even...
The freshman bug project is a long-standing tradition among students, alumni, and incoming freshmen. The project has outlasted almost every building, stadium, and classroom....
“Roller coasters and physics are a match made in heaven,” declared Patrick Finegan ’14, AP Physics student and roller coaster enthusiast. This day was...
The famous freshman bug project, an event listed under “Traditions” on the Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas Wikipedia page, was just completed last Monday,...