Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

While we may not notice it, our lives are made up a plethora of little decisions that eventually shape the way our day plays out. Whether it's deciding to get to school earlier, deciding which fine arts class to take, or even choosing a parking spot, these decisions add up and determine what can be called our "Jesuit experience." But, for...
For the last fourteen years, Jesuit seniors have taken a Social Justice and Public Policy course in order to reflect on their service every week. Now, however, this class has been upgraded and renamed to the Service and Justice Capstone course. Director of Community Service Mr. Rich Perry, who has the most influence over the material and framework of the class,...
On February 3rd, the English 4 Non-Western literature class learned from a whole new perspective by touring the Ann & Gabriel Barbier-Mueller Museum, Crow Museum, and the Dallas Museum of Art. Non-Western Literature is a senior class taught by Mrs. Row and Mr. McGowan. The class explores the modern books of various cultures not typically discussed in English class. The...
Recently, the Jesuit Engineering Society embarked on a field trip to UT Southwestern Medical Center. Club moderator Mrs. Julie Carver and 15 other students toured the labs and interacted with physicians. Biomedical engineering is one of the main components that the Engineering Society attempts to address, so the trip was a great way to explore that particular type of...
Theology teacher Mrs. Michelle Elchlepp has been teaching at Jesuit for years, but that doesn't mean she ever stopped learning. In fact, she's taken several courses at Southern Methodist University (SMU), including multiple art-focused classes. SMU even has its own art museum, the Meadows Museum. While studying some of the museum's paintings in one of her classes, she thought, "This...
This year at Jesuit, we have added twelve new members to our community who come from all around the world. In addition to a few from the Dallas area, there are students from Oregon, Mexico, and even Australia. These students have spent the last few months acclimating to the new environment and to Jesuit's open door policy with the teachers. There...
At 9:01 a.m. on November 10th, two junior theology classes jumped on a bus and drove through the morning mist to an unforgettable experience. Their destination was an Eastern Byzantine Church in Irving, where the classes intended to examine the differences between the Roman Rite of Catholicism and the Byzantine Rite. In order to supplement their study of the...
“The Jesuit Engineering PMM course explores some of the most dynamic topics in engineering today.  Throughout the course, students probe underlying issues to complex problems including the global energy crisis, public policy as it relates to advancements in medical research, and the impact of emerging technologies on various economies. In addition, students will strengthen their leadership, communication, and teamwork skills...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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