"Hey! Can I borrow your drill (or hot glue gun, or a couple zipties/screws)?"
"Are you gonna use this , or do you need it?"
As students from all grade levels cluster together in the B-hallway with merely a pencil and a calculator, Mr. Billingham, calculus and trigonometry teacher...
Freshly brewed tea being ceremoniously poured and drank, dumplings preparing in a steamer, sweetened rice cakes being munched on by hungry students, and an...
Murder, forensics, and the interrogation of possible suspects? Sounds like your typical CSI episode. But no! This is just your regular forensic science class...
Heated debate and fiery rhetoric are exchanged amid the controversial election. Passionate students on both sides vie to get a few words in the...
Since the reign of the Roman Empire, the culturally rich Italy has had a profound impact on Western Civilization. From the food we eat, to...
When one envisions a traditional summer job, activities such as observing genetic mutations in mice, identifying how certain pathogens use virulence effectors to infect...
Scribbling a large black dot into his answer sheet, the student marks choice "A" on his test. His eyes then glaze over the reading...