19Students tirelessly bubble in answers, sweat perspiring from their faces. For all four sections, they work diligently to receive the best possible score. Finally,...
At a competitive private school like Jesuit, academics are essentially everything. It's a place that is designed to instill its students with principles that...
On Tuesday, September 15th, Jesuit held its annual College Night. For decades, College Night has grabbed lots of attention and does a great job...
Jesuit is always making technological changes which optimize efficiency for the faculty and student body. For example, Jesuit upgraded its Moodle software, the platform...
Jesuits refer to many important Latin phrases and acronyms to remind them of their duties throughout their lives. Ad Mejoram De Gloriam. Cura Personalis....
Graduation. A time of year where classmates, family, and friends get together to celebrate their previous successes. However, this year graduation gets a little...
Student-athlete. Jesuit Dallas is a school where the word student-athlete means something different. Outstanding education. Sublime sports. Challenging yourself on and off the field....
Senior year. The year you're always looking forward to. Your brain thinks, "If I can just survive junior year, then I'll be fine because...