Friday, May 3, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

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      Featured Articles

      The trip where students are forced to carry 49 pounds of (medical) drugs through foreign airports. Where students spend hours driving up and down one-lane roads on the sides of mountains, fearing each bump as if the truck is going to tip over. Where each day is spent with 6-10 hours in a clinic, tending to the needs of...
      With the 1st semester coming to a close, I interviewed Dea Ochs with the Entrepreneurship Club to get an idea of what they have accomplished so far. Here is what she had to say.   What has the Jesuit Dallas Entrepreneurship Club accomplished so far this year? "Honestly, the Entrepreneurship Club lost most of its active members when the Class of 2020...
         “Winning is not a sometime thing; it’s an all time thing. You don’t win once in a while, you don’t do things right once in a while, you do them right all the time. Winning is habit.” -Vince Lombardi First, the Rangers faced off with the Quin Colts on Saturday, March 2nd in an exciting match that ended with a...
      Streaming movies and TV shows has become a norm by 2021 and the market for streaming services has only grown immensely due to COVID-19. Netflix, Prime Video, Apple TV+, and HULU all dominate the market, and below are prices and facts about the streaming giants that could help decide which is the best to buy. All of these services offer...
      This is a conversation between me and a machine learning programmer. I find machine learning fascinating, because for the longest time, humans have been the most clever creatures on the planet. It seems we've finally found a suitable partner in computers when it comes to numerical calculations, and machine learning can help humans answer questions they could spend lifetimes...
      "Desperation is sometimes as powerful an inspirator as Genius," said former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli. By 2004, Green Day, what one writer called "the elder statesmen for the punk rock genre" was in such a moment of desperation. True, they had rocked the world with their stellar Kerplunk, Dookie, Nimrod, and Warning albums, but they were running out of steam...
      Jesuit is a brotherhood. We all know that, and we embrace that. One of the ways that we embrace this brotherhood is through food. Food is a great tool for uniting boys for anyone wondering. There are many ways on campus that food unites us through Thomas cuisine, the Culinary Club, the BBQ Club, the Barista Bros, and more. One thing...
                                    An anteater walks into a bar, and the bartender says “why the long face?” the anteater says “i was born with it.” What is an Anteater: The anteater is a unique mammal known for its long, tubular snout and thin but long tongue, which it uses...

      About Jesuit Dallas

      Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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