Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Roundup is the Jesuit Dallas Student Voice and Newspaper since 1942. Learn about us.

Stage & Film

News Coverage of Jesuit Stage & Film

The One Acts. Every single Jesuit student has heard about them. They seem to be staples of Jesuit life just like sports or academics. Everyone knows about them, but what are the One Acts? The One Acts are a series of productions put on by the Jesuit theatre program.  They can be plays, serious, comedic, or some mix of the...
As the The Roundup began to start back up for the year, we had the great opportunity to learn how to interview, with the help from  Peyton Bristow "25,  during Vos Parates 2022.  From this short chat we had the pleasure to get new information regarding the Jesuit Theatre. Mr. Patterson has been known an English teacher he has had...
"I thought that this play represents the limits to duty, and when the tension between one's moral compass and obligations break, and our characters have to make a choice." These were the words used to describe Jesuit's recent play, A Few Good Men, by Jesuit's Theater Director Mr. Chris Patterson. The play, as described by a previous piece by newly...
Clubs, sports, and academics are all ways in which we define ourselves as part of the larger Jesuit community, whether it's band, football, or debate. The activities allow students to experience growth, leadership, and many more qualities that we strive to pursue. Theater is one of these many activities, encouraging personal expression and freedom of while giving back to...
Jesuit Theater kicks off the 2010 year with the highly anticipated Senior One Acts.  Mr. Myers, director of Jesuit theater, calculated that “last year the two One Act productions attracted more than 1,200 audience members.” In addition, the One Acts, according to Myers, are “a great opportunity for anyone to get onstage,” and experience the thrill of being in...
(*Note: The following article was written last May, but with some website issues it has not been published until now. However, hopefully, this will help students who are interested in theater to see what Jesuit's stage and film process is like.) With the oddities of the past year involving Covid, as well as the reconstruction of the theatre, Jesuit's Stage...
INTRO The 95th Academy Awards just aired on screens all around the world. Despite not garnering many awards, Top Gun: Maverick continues to make a mark on Hollywood history. Even though the film was nominated for several awards, it won only a select few. However, the film is still praised and renowned for its accomplishments. Flashing back to 2022, the eagerly anticipated...
As a result of the dreadful coronavirus, many large gatherings have been canceled. One of Jesuit’s most prominent gatherings was its theatre. With lots of changes in place as a result of COVID-19, Jesuit’s Stage and Film department is going through a peculiar time. The coronavirus has halted our way of life, and, as a result, I asked Mr. Acevedo...

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Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas offers young men an excellent, Catholic education in the classical Jesuit tradition with the purpose of forming a community of men with high moral principles and service to others.

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