From April 15-16, 2023, 35 Jesuit students headed to Marcus High School to compete at the JCL state competition. Every student contributed to the school’s success and helped make the state convention an amazing experience for all. Also, I would like to thank Mrs. Hudec, Ms. Jones, Mr. Pointer, and Mr. Erickson for chaperoning the Jesuit students throughout the competition.
Greg Kimatian ’25 said, “JCL’s experience was very meaningful to me because I was able meet a lot of people. I think it expanded by view as a brother of Christ and a Jesuit student, and it allowed me to grow in my academic intelligence. I am really excited to go to nationals this year as nationals was an amazing experience of what a college would be like for me.”
Highlights of the Competition

Ben Woodard ’25, Area C TSJCL State Chair, culminated his year of service through helping with running this event. He has truly made an impact on the TSJCL State Board, and all of his work this year has been appreciated by his peers and the State Chairs.
Our school tied for 14th place in sweepstakes against the most competitive level of schools in the state!
Several of our students received top recognition for performance on academic, performance-based, or artistic competitions:
Sam Carley ’25Â said, “The Jesuit team had great success, placing highly at the JCL state competition. It was a great opportunity to show off our latest members.”
Teddy Matthews ’26: Latin Literature, 5th place; Sight Reading, 5th place
Massimo Caruso ’25: Mottoes, 3rd place
Tony Kohler ’26: Latin Oratory, 3rd place
Andrew McMahon ’25: Sight Reading, 4th place
Luke Nettune ’26: Greek Derivatives, 4th place
Royce Szarzynski ’25: Greek History, 2nd place
Grant Cooper ’24: Roman History, 5th place
Pentathlon, Maxima cum Laude (2nd place): Nicholas Hajovsky ’26, Billy Fowler ’26, Sam Carley, Tim Klingele ’24, Miguel Mancilla ’25, Luke Nettune, Nestor Resendiz ’25, Grant Cooper
Flyn Hughes ’25 and Jackson Schutze ’24: 2nd place, Ludi, 4×100 Relay
Besides, Jesuit’s amazing performance at the JCL state convention, students were also able to enjoy other activities during their free time like chess, board games, colloquium speakers, a talent show, a play, and participate in the voting process for the new JCL student officers.
Flyn Hughes said, “One of the things I enjoyed most about JCL was meeting a lot of new people and go to new places.”
Additional Winners

Overall Results (Top 10 places reported)
Latin III
Grant Cooper: Roman History, 5th place; Mythology, 7th place; Pentathlon, 2nd Place Maxima cum Laude
John Fowler: Pentathlon, 4th Place cum Laude
Brandon Gibson ’24: Pentathlon, 4th Place cum Laude
Patrick Murphy ’24: Classical Art, 10th place; Pentathlon, 4th Place cum Laude
Jackson Schutze: Latin Literature, 8th place; Reading Comp Advanced Prose, 10th place; Pentathlon, 4th Place cum Laude
Latin II
Sam Carley: Pentathlon, 2nd Place Maxima cum Laude
Massimo Caruso: Mottoes, 3rd place
Max DeGroote ’25: Computer Enhanced Photography, 4th Place; Photography, 9th place; Pentathlon, 3rd Place Magna cum Laude
Michael Hasenfratz ’25: Reading Comprehension, 9th place; Pentathlon, 4th Place cum Laude
Flyn Hughes: Pentathlon, 4th Place cum Laude
Greg Kimatian: Pentathlon, 4th Place cum Laude
Tim Klingele: Pentathlon, 2nd Place Maxima cum Laude
Tony Kohler: Latin Oratory, 3rd place; Pentathlon, 3rd Place Magna cum Laude
Lucian Matula ’25: Electronic Artwork, 9th place; Pentathlon, 3rd Place Magna cum Laude
Miguel Mancilla: Pentathlon, 2nd Place Maxima cum Laude
Andrew McMahon: Sight Reading, 4th place; Pentathlon, 4th place cum Laude
Luke Nettune: Greek Derivatives, 4th place; Pentathlon, 2nd Place Maxima cum Laude
Charles Odegard ’25: Pentathlon, 4th place Cum Laude
Julian Polma ’25: Pentathlon, 3rd Place Magna Cum Laude
Marlowe Polma ’25: Latin Literature, 9th place
Will Ryan ’25: Mosaics, 8th place; Pentathlon, 4th place Cum Laude
Nestor Resendiz: Pentathlon, 2nd Place Maxima Cum Laude
Royce Szarzynski ’25: Greek History, 2nd place; Pentathlon, 3rd Place Magna cum Laude
Ben Woodard: Greek Life and Literature, 7th place; Pentathlon, 4th place cum Laude
Ryan Zito ’25: Play, 9th place; Pentathlon, 3rd Place Magna cum Laude
Luke Nettune said, “Getting to be a part of JCL has been an amazing experience. I have gotten to meet so many new and interesting people and have had so much fun this year.”
Latin I
Billy Fowler: Ancient Geography, 9th place; Pentathlon, 2nd place Maxima cum Laude
Nicholas Hajovsky: Pentathlon, 2nd place Maxima cum Laude
Teddy Matthews: Latin Literature, 5th place; Sight Reading, 5th place
West Rodgers ’26: Mottoes, 9th place;
Parker Schutze ’26: Classical Art, 8th place; Greek Derivatives, 9th place
Bram Teeple ’26: Pentathlon, 3rd Place Magna cum Laude

 Mrs. Hudec said, “JCL this year was in town, so we were not able to experience to bond in the hotel, but I did notice how we were able to work as a team and how we eagerly cheered each other on. It is a sign of the appreciation of the brotherhood we share here when we go to another place and show so much respect and appreciation for each other. I am excited to see what will happen as we go on to nationals and state conventions in the future.”
Overall, the Jesuit students experienced an amazing JCL state convention and had much experience in their respected competitions. Now, a group of students will travel to Emory University for the JCL National Convention over the summer.
Stay tuned for more news about JCL on The Roundup!