“A yell, a yell, a great sensational yell, and when we yell, we yell like hell, and this is what the hell we yell: JJJ-E S-UUU-I-T, J-e-s-u-i-t, Jesuit Fight!” The Jesuit Yell is a pivotal piece of the pep rally year in and year out, expressing the Jesuit school spirit through the passionate voices of the student body. Alongside the Yell, the student body takes part in a series of competitions between each grade level.

At 9 a.m. the students hear Mr. Dion’s voice through the telecom inviting the grades to go to Walsh Gym. As the classes begin to file in, they show their eagerness as they move and shuffle in the bleachers. A few minutes later, the underclassmen see the seniors through the glass windows. The array of funny costumes and colors immediately lightens the mood. Making their presence known, the seniors yell and shout as they enter and circle the gym.

Now, the pep rally really begins. First, class-wide competitions take place. Starting with the race from Anderson to Jesuit, where a freshman competes against a senior, the senior pulls out a trick and wins, stating ”Freshmen can’t drive.” Next, the junior versus sophomore race takes place, with Aidan Piotrosowki ’21 ripping off his shirt to reveal a massive lighting bolt and the words “Speed Kills.” In the end, Aidan smokes Benoni Mesfin ’23, giving a win to the juniors. Finally, it’s the juniors versus seniors. Here both can drive, but the seniors have something up their sleeves yet again: the advantage of the senior parking lot.

The next competition was a soccer shootout where each class was to shoot on a goalie with a soccer ball. The seniors, as always, spiced things up, making the other classes shoot with an assortment of things. Finally, when it is the seniors’ turn, Coach David Williams enters the gym with the almighty soccer ball and gives it to the seniors. In the end, the seniors easily win again.
The last contest was the traditional competition of who can yell “the Yell” the loudest. Every year this is a very powerful and emotional wrap-up of the Ranger Day pep rally.
We asked some Jesuit students and faculty what they thought of the pep rally. Grant Senick ’21 stated his favorite part was when “Aidan decided to take off his shirt and that lightning bolt across his chest, that was pretty crazy.” Mr. DuRoss added, “I always like the Yell, best part of every year”. Finally, Coach DeLong thought the best part was the race. He said, “I didn’t know if they were yelling “overrated” or “over-weighted.” Either way, they’re both alright, you know what I mean.”
In conclusion, this year’s pep rally was a success. Will the underclassmen ever have a chance to win? I guess we will have to find out next year.